The Black Panther voter fruad is an impeachable offense


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Former Justice attorney to testify on New Black Panther Party decision

Washington (CNN) -- A former Justice Department attorney who testified the department dropped charges of voter intimidation against the New Black Panther Party for political reasons says he expects his former boss to corroborate his claim in a hearing Friday.

The boss, Christopher Coates, surprised the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights this week when he agreed to testify before it. Previously, the Justice Department prevented Coates from complying with a subpoena to testify before the commission, a commission spokeswoman said.

In a letter to the commission, which was not written on Justice Department stationery, Coates offered to testify, but did not say whether his testimony was sanctioned by the department. Nor did he indicate what he would say.

But former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams said he expects Coates to confirm what Adams testified in July.

The Democrats will not bring up investigation on Obama admin cause eric holder was sworn in to uphold the law and enforcing the law on The Black Panther voter fruad. But i gurantee you when the Republicans take over theyre gonna impeach Obama. By after this Election Senate Republicans should have 60 votes need to impeach Barrack Huesian Obama right out of office. This time the Democrats cant protect him unlike they protected Bill Clinton from full impeachment back in 1996 .
bla bla bla, already debunked, move on

Sorry but you are wrong AGAIN.

This is clearly a case of voter fraud and intimidation. And yet our esteemed Justice Dept. under the guidance of a well know corrupt political hack does nothing.

I am sure the left media will do all it can to hide this case.

If nothing is done to stop this kind of thing, we can expect more of it from the Left. We shall see if this happens again in November...of course I am making a big assumption that the media will report it.
Sorry but you are wrong AGAIN.

This is clearly a case of voter fraud and intimidation. And yet our esteemed Justice Dept. under the guidance of a well know corrupt political hack does nothing.

I am sure the left media will do all it can to hide this case.

If nothing is done to stop this kind of thing, we can expect more of it from the Left. We shall see if this happens again in November...of course I am making a big assumption that the media will report it.

They are not going to report it, they didn't when it happened the first time or when they dropped the case or when the whistle blower came out what would make them start now?
They are not going to report it, they didn't when it happened the first time or when they dropped the case or when the whistle blower came out what would make them start now?

Yeah you are probably right with that.

Where is the talk about the dangers of a government media complex??? We heard for years about the dangers of a military-industrial complex Yet a much bigger problem is the media and government becoming one and the same.