the annoying thing
Well-Known Member

Hundreds of migrant caravan members found to have US criminal histories: DHS files
Hundreds of illegal immigrants attempting to cross the southern border as part of massive migrant caravans were found to have criminal histories in the U.S., according to newly obtained Department of Homeland Security documents.

How will the surge of illegal immigrants impact the US economy? | Fox News Video
One million illegal immigrants expect to cross into the U.S. in 2019; Economist Peter Morici weighs in.
Make sure you read the estimated cost on this one

Illegal Immigrants Leave US Hospitals With Billions in Unpaid Bills
Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are flooding U.S. hospitals for treatment and leaving billions in uncompensated health care costs

Undocumented immigrants become 'permanent patients' in hospitals
Without dialysis, Maria would have only days to live. But because of Medicaid restrictions, she can't be treated anywhere but the hospital.

And do not forget this we have all seen the rash of raps and murders and assaults on coos sense they have arrived

Migrants Being Arrested Are Surging
The immigration system has been described as a "game of Russian roulette" by a nonpartisan organization spokesperson.

including $783 billion on energy and climate change, and three years of Affordable Care Act subsidies. blowen useless spending
And all of joes lies which is funny they hate trump for lying but its ok when joe lies lol