The Biden and Harris effect on America

Lol no not at all .it shows more are coming in the nation because its easier to get in. Just as more fentanyl is being caught if biden was so good at stopping it then why are the deaths up over 200 percent from overdoses on this drug that liberal logic for you lol
Your capitalist big Parmalat mates are mostly responsible for that drug. The idiots who kill themselves are no loss.
You never said a word about it when Trump was potus. Suddenly its an issue.
How coincidental.
Your capitalist big Parmalat mates are mostly responsible for that drug. The idiots who kill themselves are no loss.
You never said a word about it when Trump was potus. Suddenly its an issue.
How coincidental.
Sorry Boris but you score a big zero again , but your accustomed to that.

You see Dorris the unwise most of it comes from china and is smuggled in the us from Mexico and other routes also of course . Perhaps I can educate you something else you have been programed with by the Biden cult of dementia and lies
Sorry Boris but you score a big zero again , but your accustomed to that.

You see Dorris the unwise most of it comes from china and is smuggled in the us from Mexico and other routes also of course . Perhaps I can educate you something else you have been programed with by the Biden cult of dementia and lies
It looks like the Trump years did nothing to stop it. Now suddenly Biden is at fault. How coincidental.

They refuse to enforce the law and protect America
They have done nothing to stop this and in my opinion don't want to that's why Harris is in charge of the issue now .

Record numbers of illegals , record number of terrorist crossing bent on destroying America .
Record number of drugs resulting in more crime and overdoses .

The only thing they care about is trying to get enough illegals in to vote democrat and they do vote that's why democrat are against ID for voting .

Their lust for illegals voting is hurting America and endangering American lives .
The next President need to round up these illegals and do a mass deportation like we did in the past . or make them all live in Delaware dc and san fran
How much can they intentionally get away with as they slowly move America toward the chasm ahead?
Yea but hurt boris liberals in congress didnt fund it enough then biden stopped construction. So its trumps fault lol. You sure learned from lying biden . Blame anyone .
An unfinished middle panel of the unfinished wall (which was supposed to be secured by normal methods had the anti American Dems not interefered) was left unsecured due to Democrat obstruction at every possible stage of the process.