The best of little turtle head with special guest the big turtle head

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

His daddy must be proud

His daddy must be proud
Did you check who owns all those papers?
Do that then tell me your lies.
Yes some democrats protect him especially the really backward ones who spend all thier time under the bosses desk .
But what is amazing to me is they are sticking up for human garbage and know it.
He's a spoiled white trash crack head whos shaday as hell and a pervert .
And they are protecting him here. But the i recall one of thr democrats supporting him was endorsing arson attacks on churches . The I realize its just protecting thier own kind a survival reaction from years of dealing with themselves.
Democrat will not believe the truth they deny it and find any excise they can. Now if a black reporter from cnn who is a gay socialist said it then its the truth .
I love burning churches. Who doesn't? Watching those prayers and hyms go up in smoke. Godbotherers racing around with water proof bibles waiting for god to intervene. Never had so much fun with my clothes on.