I was going to let this go, but I can not...YOU SHOULD HAVE CHECKED MY HISTORY...Part of this is a repost...I read the Sharia Project website before it got scrubbed. It was friggin' scary. I have looked and studied Koranic scripture to see for myself whether it talks of peace or of terror. (The answer is that it commands both.) I am actively educating myself so that I can reach an understanding that works for me. At this point, that means that I am cautious because some of the things that I have found are quite disturbing, and I can't deny that. I have also found hope in the few good things commanded by the Koran, and I do understand that, like with the Bible, there are things in there that were meant for that moment only and cannot be applied to modern day, and if they are, like is being done by terrorists, bad things happen. I am cautious about some specific Muslim individuals because I am not naive, and have actually done my homework. Whether or not Islam is a religion of peace doesn't change the fact that some Muslims find justification for evil there because they want to, and at the same time many people are good people because it teaches them to be that too. But we shouldn't be so naive as to pretend that Islam doesn't command terror and war, because those parts are in the scriptures too.
I am not naive to the fact that Muslims, like ALL people, are self-justifying individuals, just like I am not naive about some Christians who believe in a perversion of Christianity, and should likewise receive our mistrust. Christians who believe in collective salvation, for example, use the Bible to justify their belief, even though it is not in there and is antithetical to the message therein. People of all faiths are individuals and should be treated as such. Some Muslims find a call for violence in their good book. Some Christians, likewise, find calls for evil in their own good book, like when they justified slavery with the Bible. We have to be cautious of individuals who have crazy ideas, who incite, mean to offend, and act ungodly in the name of religion, from wherever they come, even when all they are doing is taking literally the commandments in their scriptures. That is why I was cautious of Imam Rauf, just like I was cautious of the Westboro church and of the pastor that wants to burn Korans in Florida. To me, they are all on the same level: church leaders who are actively creating offense for publicity to build up their own followership, gain fame, and spread their own putrefied versions of religion, doing so in the name of and under the protection of the first amendment, stomping on the hearts of those who refuse to follow them down their ideological sink holes as a religious rite. I refused to say that I was "for" the mosque on ground zero, even though I defended the constitutional right, and now I am glad that I took the stance that I did because I would likewise have to be "for" the Koran burning if I was to have any intellectual integrity. Both are publicity stunts, intended to offend, defended as a practice of religion, protected by property rights as well as the first amendment, stupid, mean, and unwise.
It is not hate to be cautious of an individual that believes they must subvert, conquer, kill and /or enslave. Individuals killed 3000 people on 9/11, but it would be naive to forget that they did it because they felt that their own scriptures told them to. We'd be naive not to look into their own scriptures for some answers. I'm cautious because I'm not naive, and caution is not hate. I do believe that most Muslims are really good people. I have known a few. But we need to beware of the crazies, and expect the non-crazies to excoriate and help us identify the crazies, and not just let them go on murdering and pillaging because of tolerance. Tolerance is a good thing for the most part, to a point, but beyond that point it just becomes naive. We cannot afford to be naive in the name of tolerance, but rather, we need to be tolerant tempered with knowledge. Looking at the ideologies of the majority of Muslims and the ideologies of the terrorists and comparing them is a fair thing to do, and under no circumstances is that hate. Pretending that one is supreme and that the other has no clout is naïve.
At the end of the day, a Sharia state and our constitution are incompatible. The way to fend off the conquest of America by pretend moderates is to defend and uphold our constitution and never give in to changing the law or making special concessions for a religious group in the name of religious tolerance or fear of future