Well-Known Member
If you believe this about "conservatives", what does that say about you and your group?Conservatives always blindly accept the crap on Fox news ,no matgter how blatantly biased
and misleading .
If you believe this about "conservatives", what does that say about you and your group?Conservatives always blindly accept the crap on Fox news ,no matgter how blatantly biased
and misleading .
This story isn't surprising in the least bit . Conservatives always blindly accept the crap on Fox news ,no matgter how blatantly biased
and misleading .
liberals blindly accept the crap on MSNBC no matter how blatantly biased or misleading...
And then they scream that Fox News lies and distorts everything....while admitting they NEVER watch Fox News....but they do watch MSLSD who tells them how bad Fox is...and so they believe what they are told. They are so easily duped.
That may be true..but if you test all Obama voters I would bet more than 60% test much lower...Are you saying this is a conservative non profit group?Having watched Fox News (reluctantly) at least once a week for over 4 years and having debated with Fox addicts in several forums . . I had a strong suspicion that this may be true.
But this is actually a scientific study ran by a CONSERVATIVE establishment!
Intelligence Institute Study shows Fox News viewers have an IQ that is 20 points lower than the U.S. National average.
PRWeb – Tue, Dec 4, 2012
shows that the Americans who watch Fox News have an average IQ of 80, whereas the national average is 100. Researchers were not "shocked" by findings.
Birmingham, Alabama (PRWEB) December 04, 2012
The results of a 4 year study show that Americans who obtain their news from Fox News channel have an average IQ of 80, which represents a 20 point deficit when compared to the U.S. national average of 100. IQ, or intelligence quotient, is the international standard of assessing intelligence.
Researchers at The Intelligence Institute, a conservative non-profit group, tested 5,000 people using a series of tests that measure everything from cognitive aptitude to common sense and found that people who identified themselves as Fox News viewers and 'conservative' had, on average, significantly lower intelligent quotients. Fox Viewers represented 2,650 members of the test group.
One test involved showing subjects a series of images and measuring their vitals, namely pulse rate and blood pressure. The self-identified conservatives' vitals increased over 35% when shown complex or shocking images. The image that caused the most stress was a poorly edited picture of President Obama standing next to a "ghostly" image of a child holding a tarantula.
Test subjects who received their news from other outlets or reported they do not watch the news scored an average IQ of 104, compared to 80 for Fox News viewers.
Lead researcher, P. Nichols, explains, "Less intelligent animals rely on instinct when confronted by something which they do not understand. This is an ancient survival reaction all animals, including humans, exhibit. It's a very simple phenomenon, really; think about a dog being afraid of a vacuum cleaner. He doesn't know what a vacuum is or if it may harm him, so he becomes agitated and barks at it. Less intelligent humans do the same thing. Concepts that are too complex for them to understand, may frighten or anger them."
He continues, "Fox News' content is presented at an elementary school level and plays directly into the fears of the less educated and less intelligent."
The researchers said that an IQ of 80 is well above the score of 70, which is where psychiatrists diagnose mental retardation. P. Nichols says an IQ of 80 will not limit anyone's ability to lead happy, fulfilling lives.
The study did not conclude if Fox News contributed to lowering IQ or if it attracts less intelligent humans.
P. Nichols concludes that he wasn't shocked by the studies' results, rather how dramatic their range. "Several previous studies show that self-identified conservatives are less intelligent than self-identified moderates. We have never seen such a homogeneous group teetering so close to special needs levels."
More info to this study can be seen here
P. Nichols
The Intelligence Institute
And we wonder why a country that selects such a station as their most SUCCESSFUL source of news is in trouble!
I guess, adults believing that "an elementary school level" news outlet is the best way to understand America and the political, social and economic problems we face is not optimal for taking this country to a better place!
That may be true..but if you test all Obama voters I would bet more than 60% test much lower...Are you saying this is a conservative non profit group?
- The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers are the Most Misinformed ...
Apr 8, 2012 – Editor's note: This is an excerpt from Chris Mooney's new book The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science and Reality .
7 Things Fox Viewers Are Wildly Misinformed About - Nov 25, 2011
Jon Stewart Was Right About Fox 'News' Viewers Being the Most ... - Jun 21, 2011
Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid - Dec 14, 2010
More results from »
Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don't Watch Any ...
Nov 21, 2011 – This isn't the first study that has found that Fox News viewers moremisinformed in comparison to others. Last year, a study from the University .
This from P. NicholsHaving watched Fox News (reluctantly) at least once a week for over 4 years and having debated with Fox addicts in several forums . . I had a strong suspicion that this may be true.
But this is actually a scientific study ran by a CONSERVATIVE establishment!
Intelligence Institute Study shows Fox News viewers have an IQ that is 20 points lower than the U.S. National average.
PRWeb – Tue, Dec 4, 2012
shows that the Americans who watch Fox News have an average IQ of 80, whereas the national average is 100. Researchers were not "shocked" by findings.
Birmingham, Alabama (PRWEB) December 04, 2012
The results of a 4 year study show that Americans who obtain their news from Fox News channel have an average IQ of 80, which represents a 20 point deficit when compared to the U.S. national average of 100. IQ, or intelligence quotient, is the international standard of assessing intelligence.
Researchers at The Intelligence Institute, a conservative non-profit group, tested 5,000 people using a series of tests that measure everything from cognitive aptitude to common sense and found that people who identified themselves as Fox News viewers and 'conservative' had, on average, significantly lower intelligent quotients. Fox Viewers represented 2,650 members of the test group.
One test involved showing subjects a series of images and measuring their vitals, namely pulse rate and blood pressure. The self-identified conservatives' vitals increased over 35% when shown complex or shocking images. The image that caused the most stress was a poorly edited picture of President Obama standing next to a "ghostly" image of a child holding a tarantula.
Test subjects who received their news from other outlets or reported they do not watch the news scored an average IQ of 104, compared to 80 for Fox News viewers.
Lead researcher, P. Nichols, explains, "Less intelligent animals rely on instinct when confronted by something which they do not understand. This is an ancient survival reaction all animals, including humans, exhibit. It's a very simple phenomenon, really; think about a dog being afraid of a vacuum cleaner. He doesn't know what a vacuum is or if it may harm him, so he becomes agitated and barks at it. Less intelligent humans do the same thing. Concepts that are too complex for them to understand, may frighten or anger them."
He continues, "Fox News' content is presented at an elementary school level and plays directly into the fears of the less educated and less intelligent."
The researchers said that an IQ of 80 is well above the score of 70, which is where psychiatrists diagnose mental retardation. P. Nichols says an IQ of 80 will not limit anyone's ability to lead happy, fulfilling lives.
The study did not conclude if Fox News contributed to lowering IQ or if it attracts less intelligent humans.
P. Nichols concludes that he wasn't shocked by the studies' results, rather how dramatic their range. "Several previous studies show that self-identified conservatives are less intelligent than self-identified moderates. We have never seen such a homogeneous group teetering so close to special needs levels."
More info to this study can be seen here
P. Nichols
The Intelligence Institute
And we wonder why a country that selects such a station as their most SUCCESSFUL source of news is in trouble!
I guess, adults believing that "an elementary school level" news outlet is the best way to understand America and the political, social and economic problems we face is not optimal for taking this country to a better place!
Now that I liked your post...Republicans are smarter than Dems....I have no clue about Fox News..No. . .actually this is a spoof of the ridiculous statements made in the last few months about "Republicans being smarter than Democrats."
Your first clue (for those who are SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW AT LEAST SOME STATISTICS) is that the 80 IQ is MUCH too low to be an AVERAGE IQ.
Funny how you all revolted about this study. . .but no one could pin point what was wrong with it. . .although it was right in front of your eyes.
It is true that Republicans (at lest Fox News addicts) have been shown to be LESS informed, and more MISINFORMED than people watching a variety of media sources. . .but THIS study was basically a TEST.
You all failed!
Despite the fact Romney is a hard guy to relate to..Obama lost support...The good thing is that despite the outrageous lies spouted by Fox news in an effort to attack the democrats Romney still got a sound thrashing
Shame that the retardlicans controlling the house would rather try to destroy the US than work with Obama but then as we all know the perps only want to look after the rich.
They even hate the buffoons who vote for them
The average Fox viewr. Thick, ignorant, parochial, nationalistic religious fundamentalist racists
Dig a lttle deeper...lolhmmm... closed feedback.loop. hadnt occurred to me before but it explains a lot.