Are you on the same planet as the rest of us?
always is from the planet of smear. It's a backward place where if you just take everything their people say and turn it around a complete 180 you know what to do.

Are you on the same planet as the rest of us?
The worst part to me is that so many are not involved... don't research anything a politics. They either don't vote or vote on some whim or on some singular thing they heard on the radio or on TV.
always is from the planet of smear. It's a backward place where if you just take everything their people say and turn it around a complete 180 you know what to do.![]()
Yeah, we all saw them come out of the shadows to vote for the first time in their lives, instead of just complaining about the outcome as "usual". Are these the ""never cared about America before" people you are talking about?
What we need to do is to get rid of parties altogether and make the candidates run on their own qualifications and philosophy. That way, maybe at least a few voters would take the time to find out where their candidate stands on the issues of the day and vote accordingly. Then, if we didn't have TV advertising, the candidates wouldn't need a hundred million to run deceptive ad campaigns. As it is now, the candidate declares a party affiliation, and at least half of the voters will vote according to party. That half (or so) would vote for a Beelzebub/Mephistopheles ticket if it was on the right party. Most of the rest of the voters watch TV ads uncritically, not asking themselves how much truth (if any) there is to the ads, never asking themselves who is actually paying for the ads and what they want to get back for their investment, just taking in the content of the ads and basing their opinions on them.
What a way to run a democracy! Nothing like insuring that money rather than people will decide who wins the election.
If people are to busy/stupid now to take the time to figure out where a certain candidate stands to begin with, why exactly would taking away TV ads etc make any difference?
If anything, I feel that would simply lead to an even more ignorant general voting public.
They might not know where the candidates really stand, but they at least wouldn't have been fed a diet of pure BS designed to make them believe what the opposition wants them to believe.
Surely, you're not going to argue that TV advertising actually educates the voters, are you?
haha, well educate might be the wrong word... but it does engage them at least.
We have Bush and McCain to thank for our first African American president. maybe we'll have Palin to thank for having reelected him.
"As the leader of an oil-based economy, Parnell chided the Obama administration for seeking to curb the nation’s reliance on fossil fuels. However, during the interview, he said he “gives the President kudos” for supporting the Alaskan natural gas pipeline construction project, an infrastructure effort stalled under then-governor Palin."
you need to look long and hard at Sarah.
I can think of far worse assignments !![]()
Are you on the same planet as the rest of us?
I find this frankly amusing. Ole Sarah has decided to return home for the holidays and finally wrap up her book tour. She has two events scheduled for Alaska, both of them closed to the general public, being held on military bases near Fairbanks and Anchorage.
Oh what a change it has been, just over two years ago I saw Sarah in my home village and she attended our local fishtival with only a single State Trooper for protection. She could often times be seen out shopping without for her triumphant return home she wont even do a real public book signing.
There are plenty of book stores that I am sure would love to host her, but Sarah wants to insulate herself from the same people she quit on. The Anchorage Daily News went sofar as to disable the comments section on the story because of the uproa
Nothing like embarassing herself on the campaign trail, then to quit to write her book. She wont stand to face those she dragged through the mud for her own self promotion.
Conservatives, you need to look long and hard at the Janus figure we call Sarah.