Thank you Sarah Palin!!! AD

Sarah's accomplishments:

Firstly, there is no government closer to the people than at the municipal level. Palin spent eight years in city government, winning a seat on the Wasilla City Council in 1992 mostly thanks to her opposition to tax increases. She went on to serve two council terms from 1992 to 1996. She was elected mayor of the fast-growing Anchorage suburb in 1996 and again in 1999. Mayor Palin had a record of reducing property tax levels, increasing municipal services and attracting new industry to her town. During her tenure in Wassilla, she was elected chair of Alaska's conference of mayors.

Next for Sarah Palin was service as chair of the Alaska Conservation Committee, a board which regulates the state's oil and gas industry. In this appointive position she began to gain what would become extensive and valuable knowledge and experience in the area of one of America's most pressing issues - energy. It was in this job where Palin first really demonstrated the toughness, political courage and maverick spirit that would years later so impress presidential candidate John McCain.

She resigned in January 2004 as head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after complaining to the office of Governor Frank Murkowski and to state Attorney General Gregg Renkes about ethical violations by another commissioner, Randy Ruedrich, who was also Republican state chairman.

State law barred Palin from speaking out publicly about ethical violations and corruption. However, she was vindicated later in 2004 when Ruedrich, who'd been reconfirmed as state chairman, agreed to pay a $12,000 fine for breaking state ethics laws. She became a hero in the eyes of the public and the press, and the bane of Republican leaders.

In 2005, she continued to take on the Republican establishment by joining Eric Croft, a Democrat, in lodging an ethics complaint against Renkes, who was not only attorney general but also a long-time adviser and campaign manager for Murkowski. The governor reprimanded Renkes and said the case was closed. It wasn't. Renkes resigned a few weeks later, and Palin was again hailed as a hero.

In 2006, Palin ran for governor and was elected in a landslide. According to Fred Barnes:

With her emphasis on ethics and openness in government, "it turned out Palin caught the temper of the times perfectly," wrote Tom Kizzia of the Anchorage Daily News. She was also lucky. News broke of an FBI investigation of corruption by legislators between the primary and general elections. So far, three legislators have been indicted.

In the roughly three years since she quit as the state's chief regulator of the oil industry, Palin has crushed the Republican hierarchy (virtually all male) and nearly every other foe or critic. Political analysts in Alaska refer to the "body count" of Palin's rivals.

"The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who crossed Sarah," says pollster Dave Dittman, who worked for her gubernatorial campaign. It includes Ruedrich, Renkes, Murkowski, gubernatorial contenders John Binkley and Andrew Halcro, the three big oil companies in Alaska, and a section of the Daily News called "Voice of the Times," which was highly critical of Palin and is now defunct.

As governor, Sarah Palin's list of accomplishments lengthened rapidly. She used her line-item veto to cut $268 million from Alaska's state budget.

She stood up to some of Alaska's most entrenched interests, including three big oil companies (BP, ConocoPhilips, and ExxonMobil) who hold the lease rights to much of Alaska's oil and gas wealth:

Once in office, Palin took an aggressive stance toward the oil companies. Her nickname from high-school basketball, "Sarah Barracuda," was resurrected in the press. Early in her term, she shocked oil lobbyists when she was so bold as to not show up when Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson came to Juneau to meet with her. Palin, after scrapping Murkowski's deal, would not give Big Oil the terms they wanted, yet insisted that the companies still had an obligation under their lease to deliver gas to whatever pipeline Alaska built. She invited the oil companies to place open bids to build a pipeline, but they refused. A bid by TransCanada, North America's largest pipeline builder, was approved by the legislature in August.

Palin also raised taxes on oil companies after Murkowski's previous tax regime produced falling revenues in 2007, despite skyrocketing oil prices. Alaska now has some of the highest resource taxes in the world. Alaska's oil tax revenues are expected to be about $10 billion in 2008, twice those of previous year. BP says about half its oil revenues now go to taxes, when royalty payments to the state are included. Recently, Palin approved gas tax relief for Alaskans, and paid every resident $1,200 to help ease their fuel-price burden.

Some other Palin accomplishments include supporting and signing an ethics bill passed by the Alaska legislature and creating the Alaska Health Strategies Planning Council to find innovative solutions to effectively provide access to, and help reduce the costs of, healthcare.

As governor, Palin is commander of her state's National Guard. Not content to merely sit on the title, she traveled to Kuwait to learn about her troops' mission there. On the return trip to Alaska, she stopped in Germany to to visit wounded soldiers in the hospital, an activity that Barack Obama did not see fit to engage in during his own overseas venture, blaming the Pentagon for his snubbing of the wounded.

More accomplishments: Gov. Palin signed a resolution in opposition to the FAA's plan to increase taxes on aviation fuel, impose user fees and slash airport funding. Also, before Palin became governor, her predecessor Frank Murkowski had purchsed a Westwind Two business jet for the governor's use at a $2.5 million price tag, despite the objections from the state legislature and the public. Her first order of business after taking office was to put the jet up for sale.

Palin did keep the governor's state-owned Chevy Suburban, but she got rid of the driver, saying it was wasteful for the state to pay someone to drive her around, since she was perfectly capable of driving herself. The governor's gourmet chef also got changed from a full-time to a seasonal-only basis because Palin considered it a luxury she didn't think Alaskans should be paying for. Her political enemies called all this "superficial pandering."

Alaska is the only one of America's states which borders on two foreign countries. Sarah Palin is chief executive of our most important energy state, one which lies only a few miles from Russian territory. She has negotiated sensitive agreements on fishing rights and other matters to keep the peace up there. She's also worked on important trade deals with other countries. She has received foreign heads of state and had discussions with them.

There are many benefits to having Governor Sarah Palin on the GOP presidential ticket, and many of them have been already been discussed extensively by both new media and old in the few short days since John McCain introduced her to the GOP in Ohio. They all rest on a rock-solid base of achievement. She is one very accomplished vice presidential nominee.
Hey Bunz,
how do you like getting that nice check every month that Palin worked out for you?

Might want to check your exact facts, but it is ironic to note that Palin created taxes based on oil company profits, therefore taking money that would otherwise go to shareholders and re-investment in further Alaska production, with the price passed on to the consumer. Then she took a good portion of that money and sent out checks included with PFD checks that has nothing at all to do with Sarah. But an additional 1200 bucks, yeah great thanks Sarah! I said so in my earlier posts. But this is probably the most socialist policy ever enacted in modern America. Talk about a re-distribution of wealth on her part. She has zero credibility when it comes to attacking someone on being a liberal spender or a socialist, as well as her claims of being a conservative are a joke.
Am I dumb, or getting a $1,200 check to help with my gas bill without me asking for it is abad thing....:confused:
I have complimented her on this action. But you realize of course that she took money from every American at the pump and stock market by raising taxes on the oil companies only to have that turned into a cash payment to Alaskans.
Am I dumb or does this not seem to be very much a socialist policy?

All I hear is people bashing on her, all the liberal media included, but they left out this small accomplishments.People never talk about this, do they?
They bash her because she claims to be, or is at least thought to be somehow conservative. When in fact she is much more of a socialist in her practices.
She has more experience than Obama.... That's for sure!

Whats for sure?
How do you figure?

Are you going to compare her BA in journalism to his harvard law degree?

Her executive experience versus his?

Please tell me how Sarah is more qualified to be President than Obama.
I don’t think giving the people of Alaska money for their oil is socialistic.

Oregon has trees, most of Oregon property is owned by the government. When the trees are logged the government keeps the money, our government is socialistic, they see that money as theirs for their pet projects. I wish our socialistic gov was more like Palin and gave at least part of the money back to the people of Oregon instead of keeping all of it for their socialistic programs.

The oil in Alaska belongs to the people of Alaska, to give the people back some of their money is not socialistic

but what ever I still think its sick that the woman cant even get a thank you from others who just want to say thank you without people attacking her.
I cannot believe that people are seriously debating the suitability of Palin for presidential candidate.

The woman could not name a newspaper.

She thinks that she can see Putin flying over Alaska and that this makes her an expert on foreign policy.

I wonder why she doesn't claim to be en expert on birds and planes and in fact everyone who flies over Alaska?

How can anyone seriously debate this numbskull as being fit for running water let alone a presidential candidate campaign

I hope she does it though. It will give the world a huge laugh and ensure 8 years for Obama.
I thought Palin had been written off by everyone including the religious right

That doesn't surprise me. In the clip on stupid voters, many democrats though Palin said she'd visited 57 states.

The media has convinced people of things that are not true. (shocking) Palin all during the campaign, and even after the campaign, had a large following, and still does. Many, such as myself, hope that someday she'll either be a senator, or run for president.
I cannot believe that people are seriously debating the suitability of Palin for presidential candidate.

The woman could not name a newspaper.

She thinks that she can see Putin flying over Alaska and that this makes her an expert on foreign policy.

I wonder why she doesn't claim to be en expert on birds and planes and in fact everyone who flies over Alaska?

How can anyone seriously debate this numbskull as being fit for running water let alone a presidential candidate campaign

I hope she does it though. It will give the world a huge laugh and ensure 8 years for Obama.

It was a trick question, a gotcha question. No one on earth can be expected to know what they read for news off the top of there head. You only knew it because its on your damn card Trebek!

Paraphrasing Sean Connery on Celeb Jeperdy on snl :)
......and the hippies didn't survive the 60's.
Of course, we did......and, so did our Ideals.​

"You may think that some hippy values have been taken too far. Perhaps a little more deference would be desirable. But you have to remember the world from which the hippies burst: the stultified, uptight, rigidly hierarchical society of the 1950s and early 1960s, in which wives were expected to give up their jobs and wear pinnies. The hippies’ rejection of 1950s values was a great hurricane of fresh air blowing into a stale room whose windows had been painted shut for decades."
Hey Bunz,
how do you like getting that nice check every month that Palin worked out for you?
Yeah.....she was a regular George Bush. :rolleyes:

"As an oil producer, the high price of oil has created a budget surplus in Alaska. Rather than invest this surplus in technology that will make us energy independent and increase efficiency, as Governor she proposed distribution of this surplus to every individual in the state.

In this time of record state revenues and budget surpluses, she recommended that the state borrow/bond for road projects, even while she proposed distribution of surplus state revenues: spend today's surplus, borrow for needs."
Sarah's accomplishments:

"Sarah campaigned in Wasilla as a "fiscal conservative". During her 6 years as Mayor, she increased general government expenditures by over 33%. During those same 6 years the amount of taxes collected by the City increased by 38%. This was during a period of low inflation (1996-2002). She reduced progressive property taxes and increased a regressive sales tax which taxed even food. The tax cuts that she promoted benefited large corporate property owners way more than they benefited residents.

The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration weren't enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it with indebtedness of over $22 million."

Yeah.....she's quite the fiscal-conservative; a regular George-Bush-in-drag.​