Texas inmate shouts 'Wow' during execution


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
HUNTSVILLE, Texas - A Texas inmate was executed Thursday evening for fatally shooting one of three people he and a partner abducted during a convenience store robbery nearly 11 years ago.

Richard Cobb, 29, didn't deny using a 20-gauge shotgun to kill Kenneth Vandever in an East Texas field where two women also were shot and one was raped. He was convicted of capital murder.

"Life is death, death is life. I hope that someday this absurdity that humanity has come to will come to an end," Cobb said when asked if he had any last words. "Life is too short. I hope anyone that has negative energy towards me will resolve that.

"Life is too short to harbor feelings of hatred and anger. That's it, warden."
But that wasn't it.

Just before the lethal drug took effect and at the conclusion of his statement, Cobb twisted his head back, raised it off a pillow placed on the gurney and then toward the warden standing behind him.
"Wow!" the inmate exclaimed in a loud voice. "That is great. That is awesome! Thank you, warden! Thank you (expletive) warden!"


I know what he saw? HELL!!
it is pretty interesting that this ever got reported. they dont often have reports on the final minutes of these criminals time before they meet their Maker.
Steve Jobs saw heaven. I guess this guy saw Hell and it was cool to him

sounds like he got a nice buzz to me. understandable considering the nature of the lethal injection protocol of drug progression. they don't just nail them with what turns them off right from the get go. and since he's mainlining it hits you quick.heroin addicts would love it. well #1 drug anyway. the idea is to make you not much care that you're going to be havin done to you.

but i doubt he liked the light he went to.
I disagree with Lethal injection. Cause its painless. His victims didn't die a peaceful death. So he should die with great pain. Like Gas Chamber. You lungs gasp for air and you die in pain. Or the electric chair. 1500 volts are shaking your body and you feel pain and then you die in about 39 seconds. The killer should die with pain cause his victims didn't die peacefuly.
I disagree with Lethal injection. Cause its painless. His victims didn't die a peaceful death. So he should die with great pain. Like Gas Chamber. You lungs gasp for air and you die in pain. Or the electric chair. 1500 volts are shaking your body and you feel pain and then you die in about 39 seconds. The killer should die with pain cause his victims didn't die peacefuly.

lots of people would agree but there is that pesky requirement that there be no "cruel and unusual" punishment thing. a .45 in the back of the head would largely do and be very economical if messy. there is also a very fast, near painless and not particularly messy trick you can to with an icepick. but I digress...

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