So now the Cubans, the Congolese, the Vietnamese, the Laotians, and the Cambodians are all Muslim?
And, when did we attack Iran?
edited for contenr
Texas Tea. . Iran was under British control for a long time. When it tried to get independence under Mosadeq, Truman said if they got away with it other Middle East countries will do the same The USA led a campaign and coup against Mosadeq and restore the Shar in 1953.
The Anglo-iranian Oil company was 50 % owned by the British government.
A Us oil company received 40 % ownership of Iran oil reserves after the coup.
Attacks on Guateamala followed under Eisenhower in 1954. CIA trained mercenaries attack from bases in Honduraus and Niecaraga
Eisenhower opposed Indonesia independence from 1949. In 1965 Kennedy opposed the PKIi who had influence in Indonesia under Sukarno,
The US supported mobs who attack the PKI over the killing of six generals.
Diplomats from The US , Britain and Australia gave hundreds of names of alleged Communist to the new government under Suharto
America regain mines, estates and oil;
Johnson recognized the Military rule that took over the Dominican Republic
Other countries attack by US interests were Chile on September 11 1972. They removed the Allende government. The CIA provided guns and money
13,000 opponents were killed. Argentina and Uruguay protested
Although none of these were Muslims American enemies unite. That was the Muslims choose September 11 for their attack on the World trade center.