So sturgeons are perfected so they stopped evolving and other things are still evolving?
No. Sturgeon have evolved into 24 different species over the past 150 million years. No doubt there are more species that have become extinct. Since the sturgeon doesn't have a bony skeleton, it wouldn't have left a whole lot of fossils behind. It hasn't stopped evolving, nor has any other organism.
Mayflies (ephemeroptera) go back even further, to the time of amphibians. There are hundreds if not thousands of species. There are many examples of organisms that have been around a long time.
Geneticists can now determine how long an species has been around by the genetic diversity it displays.
How do you know a skeleton that doesn't look like a T Rex really is a T Rex in the middle of evolving?
To determine whether a fossil is an intermediary between two different species, paleontologists look for common features. Your question doesn't make sense to me.
No I do not think the world is 6 thousand years old, and I never understood why christians think it is.
I don't either.
It does say in Gen that the world was created in 6 days but its very clear they are not talking about our version of a day.
It is also clear that Genesis was written at a time before modern science, but yes, it is clear that the Earth was not created in so limited a time frame.
It could easily be talking about millions and or billions of years but honestly I do not have a problem with God making all life on earth in one second not to mention one day, we are talking about God after all and He could make a tree that looks 100 years old as easily as He could make a seed.
If you go with the God can do anything idea, then anything is possible. The fossil record is clear that the Earth was not created all at once. It is also clear that mature trees grow from seeds, even if you buy the idea that god could decree that one just appear all at once.
I have no problem with the theory of evolution in the aspect that birds on one island will develop one type of beak to be able to crack the nuts on its island and another same species bird will develop an entirely different beak on another island to obtain the nuts from another type of tree. I also have no problem in my understanding that all dogs come from wolves, even poodles
Neither do I, nor that birds most likely evolved from dinosaurs, or that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor.
Where I have the problem is the big bang. Who made those two particles and who made the space for them to travel at high speeds and once they banged together how out of nothing did everything happen.
I don't even claim to understand the big bang idea.
It doesn't have anything to do with evolution, anyway.
Another problem I have with the pond scum theory is this. So lets say some genetic thing randomly develops out of pond scum. What are the mathematical chances of another thing genetically similar to the first randomly develops in the same area and at the same time that they can mate and pro create a species? This would have to happen thousands of times for the various animals and not to mention for human beings to develop.
Firstly, "pond scum" does not reproduce sexually.
Secondly, if an organism is slightly different, it can still reproduce with other members of its species. The differences, if they enhance survival, will be passed on to its descendants. Over time, differences accumulate to the point where the new species can no longer mate with earlier species, but it takes a long time for that to happen. A sexually reproducing organism doesn't suddenly become so different from its fellows that it can not mate with them. If it did, it would die out in a generation.
So, I am sorry but I do not have enough faith to believe in evolution as it has been presented to me.
It is not a matter of faith, but of scientific understanding.