Well-Known Member
Who's angry... I'm simply making fun of them.
This thread was started as some attempt to point out that the Right doesn't want any healthcare reform... but we already knew that. Hell you've got way more than this that don't want any healthcare reform, about 3/4 of the Republican Party I'd assume... but we already knew that too.
My point is those guys lost... and lost pretty big. And it's not like a war where people are being killed... it's providing affordable healthcare to all Americans.
I think it's just a lot of bash our President grandstanding and I was simply pointing out the enormous, jam packed, overflowing turnout supporting our President in favor of Health Insurance Reform @ the Target Center at the very same time in Minneapolis. And our President could go around the country and get crowds like that everyday anywhere he wanted.
So if I came off like it's wrong to protest that was not my intent. Peacefully protest all ya want.
But as a friend I still gotta tell ya protest or not... Health Insurance Reform will happen and for good reason.
We can work it out...
Odd, as much as I was not a part of the anti war protests and as much as I saw horrible pictures of President Bush and mean words, I never thought those protests were about bashing President Bush, that was an added bonus

You may not be meaning to seem angry but you do seem angry and so do many others here.
I dont care if health care happens, I think America is done and I dont think there is any going back. The cut is too deep to heal so I figure let it fall and I can be proud that I was once part of something truly great.
At some point another group of people with a vision or dream will rebuild, If im still alive Ill join up