Tea-Baggers Gone Wild!!

What cracks me up about this "negative" rhetoric on tea party protestors is that they are very peaceful in comparison to .. let's say the Anti George Bush protesters as well as the ones at the G20 Summit and the one's recently at Compenhagen.

But the liberals seem to want to bash them.

Why no bashing of the "liberals" when they violently protest?

Is it about the viloence or about the content of the protests?
What cracks me up about this "negative" rhetoric on tea party protestors is that they are very peaceful....

"Some Tea Partiers have voiced anger and concern over whether the powerful groups are "astroturfing'' what is supposed to be a grass-roots coalition -- the idea that the movement is being organized by old-fashioned GOP bigwigs to promote their agenda.

Donna Klink, of the Golden Triangle Tea Party-Texas, said in a post on the Tea Party Patriots Web site that the chaos needs to be addressed."

"No one can doubt that there is a substantial amount of money flowing from the patriot pocketbooks, but some of those who consistently and faithfully donate time and money to the cause are looking around and warily noticing the lots of sizzle and very little steak. “There are a lot of questions about money and where all the money has gone,” said Erick Erickson, editor of a conservative news blog. Erickson and other Tea Party and affiliated activists worry that unwise and seemingly self-aggrandizing spending on cross-country bus tours and celebrity meet and greets by event planners is diluting the strength of the patriot message. Furthermore, there is growing anxiety that all the flash and fancy parties will enervate the movement and leave it unable to wield any significant influence in the upcoming 2010 election cycle."