1)This whole issue is a joke. Promoted once again by the left to deceive the public and continue their cherished class warfare.
2)How could any American believe giving more revenue to the feds will help the economy and reduce the deficit? How dumb must one be to believe this? The fed gov has gotten us in this mess with outrageous deficit spending and a huge increase in the size of government.
3)Secondly, do you really believe taxing only the rich will generate significant revenue? If so, you are a complete fool and of course, a liberal. The revenue generated is minuscule.
1) Considering you do not even know what the issue is... Go play in the sand box and let the grown ups talk.
2) No one is arguing this learn to read and comprehend.
3) No taxing the rich kills businesses as a result there is less revenue in the long run. But your knowledge of economics is "minuscule" it doesnt matter if you come to the right conclusion if you lack the background information to support your claim. Also taxation is only half the equation you need to cut spending for trickle down to work properly for example under Reagan he spent a lot of $ while using this taxation system and the result was a deficit larger than any other up to that point.