Targeting Porn on Military Bases

The Scotsman

Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2008
South of the Haggis Munching Line
Being an ex-military type I almost wet myself laughing when I read this and thought I'd share it with you! Some extracts from a post on The Carpet Bagger Report......

Targeting porn on military bases
Posted April 25th, 2008 at 8:30 am

Some very strange conservative activists, apparently with far too much time on their hands, launched an initiative last November to limit U.S. troops’ access to adult materials. It never occurred to me that policy makers would take this seriously, but apparently, they are.

U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. announced today the introduction of legislation designed to stem the sale of pornography on military installations. Broun’s legislation, the “Military Honor and Decency Act,” closes a loophole in current law that is allowing the sale of sexually explicit material on American military installations located both within the United States and around the world.

...bearing in mind that Playboy and Penthouse are about as "hard" as it gets - so to speak! Anyway it goes on....

Upon unveiling his bill, Broun, a retired Marine, said, “Allowing the sale of pornography on military bases has harmed military men and women by: escalating the number of violent, sexual crimes; feeding a base addiction; eroding the family as the primary building block of society; and denigrating the moral standing of our troops both here and abroad.”

Yeeeaaahhhh okay...........moving on to a moment of calm and sanity!

Let me get this straight. U.S. troops are fighting two wars, neither of which are going well, and Republicans believe we should spend time and energy considering what kind of magazines U.S. troops can purchase on base? Here’s a radical idea: maybe those who wear the uniform and put their lives on the line for their country should be able to read whatever they want.

AHHHHH thank you!

Linky thingy to article here


U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. in all his glory - what a dweeeeeeb!!

Seriously though is this even an issue? are people actually wasting oxygen on this?
You should note that in the past, leftwing feminazis were usually part of an alliance with conservative Christians in such absurd crusades, and designating such persons merely as "conservatives" with no qualifier is a typical lib media smear.
You should note that in the past, leftwing feminazis were usually part of an alliance with conservative Christians in such absurd crusades, and designating such persons merely as "conservatives" with no qualifier is a typical lib media smear.

I are among the best spinner I have ever seen Lib. But the key word in your post is "past" this time around it appears only to be the holier than thou crowd on the right.
Congressman Broun's Bill folks

To amend title 10, United States Code, to close loopholes in the prohibition on the sale or rental of sexually explicit material on military installations.

Apparently the term "sexually explicit material" is defined as follows...

(A) an audio recording, a film or video recording or a print publication with visual depictions, produced in any medium, a principal theme of which depicts or describes nudity or sexual or excretory activities in a lascivious war or,
(B) if the print publication is a periodical, it regularly features or gives prominence to nudity or sexual or excretory activities;

You even get the benefit of a definition of "Lascivious" which for those that hide under the covers with their torches pointed in the direction of a girlie mag will be aware of as being "...lewd or indecent and intended, designed, or given to elicit a sexual response". What can you say!

Congressman Broun’s legislation makes the following specific changes to current law:

· Modifies the current definition of sexually explicit, to lower the threshold required to deem material sexually explicit.

· Adds a new definition of “principal theme” which makes it clear to the DoD that the threshold has been lowered.

· Adds a definition of “lascivious” that is broader than what is included in the DoD Instruction on the sale of sexually explicit material.

· Adds a definition of “nudity” that makes it much more difficult for the DoD’s Resale Activities Board of Review (RABR) to approve the sale of sexually explicit material.

· Requires that DoD annually review material that is not currently deemed sexually explicit (and therefore allowed) to determine if it should be prohibited. RABR failed to meet a single time between FY 2000 and 2005.

Congressman Broun’s legislation is officially designated as H.R. 5821 and has already attracted 15 cosponsors. :eek:

There ain't much to read but the linky thingy's here

Well there you are everyone this is how your tax dollar is being spent....Jeeeez and I thought the UK military was screwed!! Just reinforces my theory that politicians are a waste of sperm.
There might be 15 co-sponsors, but there are 435members of the House. Not to mention the Senate. Getting it through there will be impossible. My point being I guess is that this bill has as the lifespan of an ice rink in hell.
This is a guy who won his seat by default and is just trying to save his a$$ in November.
Broun grew up as a Democrat, but became a Republican sometime in the 1980s. He was previously a candidate for the U.S. House in 1990, losing to Democratic incumbent Richard Ray, and for the U.S. Senate in 1996, losing the Republican primary.[2]

Broun was one of the top two vote-getters in a June 2007 special congressional election to fill the seat vacated by the late Charlie Norwood. The first place finisher, State Senator Jim Whitehead, more than doubled Broun's vote total, and Broun had only 198 votes more than the third-place finisher.

In the runoff campaign, Whitehead angered some voters by failing to appear at a debate held in Athens and then by referring to his alma mater, the University of Georgia, as a "liberal bastion" that should be bombed, save for the football team.[3] In the runoff election held on July 17, 2007, Broun upset Whitehead by 0.8 percent, fewer than 400 votes. Broun's victory could be attributed to his margin of more than 4,500 votes in Athens-Clarke County, where he received over 89 percent of the vote,[4] likely due to Whitehead's comments about the area, causing Democrats to vote overwhelmingly for Broun.[citation needed] After the votes were certified, Whitehead declined to ask for a recount despite the narrow margin.[3] On July 25, 2007, Broun was sworn in by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.[5]
Sooo, these DC wack jobs , who yes I am sure are mostly Conservatives...will send others sons and daughters over to fight a war for years, put what seemed to be almost no effort into a plan to deal with it, lied, and have sat for years now, sending them back again and again, making tours longer. Longer times way from there family, from the girlfriends and boyfriends...and now say you know what, lets take that porn away as well...yes these are the same ones who in the comforts of the US, can't even deal with just there wife, they go and get some on the side, sometimes even gay hookers....

While we are at it, if you are 18 with a Military ID...Here is your beer have a brew. We armed with you a M16 kill and be the point of US Foreign Policy...I think we can let you handle a MGD ( or a good Beer)

Some of those who claim "We support the troops" also act like they are 10 years old and need a babysitter.
I are among the best spinner I have ever seen Lib. But the key word in your post is "past" this time around it appears only to be the holier than thou crowd on the right.

Uh, the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997 banned sexually explicit materials on any locations under pentagon control. That would have been signed by that famous rightwinger, Bubba Clinton. :D
Uh, the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997 banned sexually explicit materials on any locations under pentagon control. That would have been signed by that famous rightwinger, Bubba Clinton. :D

Eh, doesnt matter really does it? From what I understand, even while deployed in theater the troops have broadband, and in many cases thier own computers.

I dont think this bill has a chance in hell as I said before. IIRC correctly the bill Bubba signed was to get rid of the more raunchy stuff. But either way, it was dumb then it is dumb now. There are ways to cover those so it is discreet etc. But either way, did you read the story about how this Bruan guy got elected? partisanship aside, talk about falling ass backward into a win.