Still in the same forum? Welcome to a new style!

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Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
Wondered if you are still in the same forum? I can assure you:
yes, you are! :)

After a few important improvements (new version of forum software for better security and new features, spam bot elimination, integration of Youtube and Wikipedia) we finally have a new style!

I hope you enjoy it!

The days of the "pale sick iguana" are gone :D (copyright by vyo476)
Well, Walter, I'm sorry but the new colors seem to be a tad more difficult for older eyes. I'm nearsighted but have an astigmatism. Normally, I see up close (monitor distance) just fine and only use glasses to see very far away or to read very small print. With this color I have to squint a lot to read the words contained in the red menubars for some reason. Don't know why that is but I guess I prefer the pale, sick iguana. Let others weigh in, though.

Well it does look different for sure. Something I will need to get used to.

My eyes are good, but I do understand where Pidgey is coming from.
Oh, crap. I just remembered, from taking Design I: white is the worst color for text because it's the hardest to see, even against a dark background.


I still wouldn't want to go back to the old format, but we should probably address the issue. Quickly.
Yeah, the white's a little hard, it could stand to be toned down. But otherwise I rather like the new design.
It's very eye catching, and easy to use.

The only thing that needs to be fixed is the embedded link maker. All it does is make a whoop! noise.
Well, Walter, I'm sorry but the new colors seem to be a tad more difficult for older eyes. I'm nearsighted but have an astigmatism. Normally, I see up close (monitor distance) just fine and only use glasses to see very far away or to read very small print. With this color I have to squint a lot to read the words contained in the red menubars for some reason.

She now has changed the colour of the text in the menu bar from glowing white to a softer more gray one - is it better this way?
If I might make an eensy weensy suggestion

The Google AdSense color palette doesn't match the new scheme....
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