Spanish court may try accused torturers


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Spanish court considers trying former US officials over allegations of Guantanamo torture

MADRID, (AP) — A Spanish court has agreed to consider opening a criminal case against six former Bush administration officials, including former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, over allegations they gave legal cover for torture at Guantanamo Bay, a lawyer in the case said Saturday.

Holy crap!

What a

That could open up!
that would put Obama in a hard place, knowing that he wants to see justice done to them...but knowing the fall out in letting them do it. then again you know if they say they did it, they must have...since that logic works in Gitmo, I am sure they are fine with it for Bush Co.

Personally I think it's great... I do agree with pocket that it might force President Obama into a difficult position... but I still love it!

The very thought that this particular Bush gang of thugs might never be able to travel or vacation outside of the US for the rest of their lives for fear of being picked up for International War Crime abuses just warms my heart a little!

They may not end up in jail but the world may just put some other limits & consequences on them of their own.

Of course if they're innocent they could just volunteer to go to trail and straighten it all out... but I'm a guessin' that's not gonna happen with this group... they'll stay hiding under a rock.:eek:
Personally I think it's great... I do agree with pocket that it might force President Obama into a difficult position... but I still love it!

The very thought that this particular Bush gang of thugs might never be able to travel or vacation outside of the US for the rest of their lives for fear of being picked up for International War Crime abuses just warms my heart a little!

They may not end up in jail but the world may just put some other limits & consequences on them of their own.

Of course if they're innocent they could just volunteer to go to trail and straighten it all out... but I'm a guessin' that's not gonna happen with this group... they'll stay hiding under a rock.:eek:

They won't go to jail or to a Spanish court. Obama won't let it happen, and if they travel abroad and are actually picked up, there will be hell to pay.

Regardless of this, I would say that this "trial" really goes nowhere outside of being a news note for a bit.

The next question is... how does Spain plan to claim jurisdiction over this anyway?
Maybe they should look at the antics of the Spanish Inquisition and then torturers and murderers still living from the Spanish Civil War.

Comrade Stalin
They won't go to jail or to a Spanish court. Obama won't let it happen, and if they travel abroad and are actually picked up, there will be hell to pay.

Make no mistake. Judge Guzman is a hard-nosed bastard. He was the one who had Augusto Pinochet almost sent to Spain until Britain's Jack Straw ruled against it for 'health' reasons.

And make no mistake, Obama won't be able to do a thing about it, because, if it happens, it will be outside his legal jusrisdiction. His only recourse would be to reel in favours, not to demand anything.

Oh yes, there will be Hell to pay!! But is will underline the fact that, when you colour outside the lines of international pacts, laws and agreements, then no matter who you are, there is a risk that you will be called to account.

So if Mssrs Yoo, Gonzales, Addington and the rest don't want to start paying hell, I suggest they take their vacations in Boise Idaho, and forget about a European trip.
Maybe they should look at the antics of the Spanish Inquisition and then torturers and murderers still living from the Spanish Civil War. Comrade Stalin

I couldn't agree more [except regarding the Inquisition - it is just a little too long ago and if not, it might make the Iroquois want to claim back the Ohio Valley].

But that does not mean that Guzman is not totally within his rights to seek out those who do wrong. In fact is was he who wanted to try exactly those people you refer to in Spain. The reasons for withdrawing were weak to say the least. But that provides Addington with zip in terms of a parachute.
Make no mistake. Judge Guzman is a hard-nosed bastard. He was the one who had Augusto Pinochet almost sent to Spain until Britain's Jack Straw ruled against it for 'health' reasons.

And make no mistake, Obama won't be able to do a thing about it, because, if it happens, it will be outside his legal jusrisdiction. His only recourse would be to reel in favours, not to demand anything.

Oh yes, there will be Hell to pay!! But is will underline the fact that, when you colour outside the lines of international pacts, laws and agreements, then no matter who you are, there is a risk that you will be called to account.

So if Mssrs Yoo, Gonzales, Addington and the rest don't want to start paying hell, I suggest they take their vacations in Boise Idaho, and forget about a European trip.

Just the fact that they may be unable (or afraid) to travel outside the United States is a victory against those who endorsed TORTURE.

The world is watching... they know the culprits... the memory will linger.

Make no mistake. Judge Guzman is a hard-nosed bastard. He was the one who had Augusto Pinochet almost sent to Spain until Britain's Jack Straw ruled against it for 'health' reasons.

And make no mistake, Obama won't be able to do a thing about it, because, if it happens, it will be outside his legal jusrisdiction. His only recourse would be to reel in favours, not to demand anything.

Dare I ask by what jurisdiction Spain is attempting to claim in regards to this case?

Oh yes, there will be Hell to pay!! But is will underline the fact that, when you colour outside the lines of international pacts, laws and agreements, then no matter who you are, there is a risk that you will be called to account.

We colored outside no line on any international agreements, and even if we did, a domestic Spanish court has no authority over the matter.

So if Mssrs Yoo, Gonzales, Addington and the rest don't want to start paying hell, I suggest they take their vacations in Boise Idaho, and forget about a European trip.

Frankly, I don't think Spain has the stomach to actually carry through on this. The outcome would be much to their own detriment.