Well-Known Member
You are misinterpreting the letter.
There are multiple things going on here.
First: NARAL wants to push for a "fair hearing". Read that... don't let Conservative anti-choice nutbags try and derail this process.
Secondly: NARAL is simply promoting their own cause by making it abundantly clear why CHOICE is the correct position to be on for everybody.
If you think President Obama doesn't know EXACTLY where Judge Sotomayor stands on the CHOICE issue and that he is 100% positive she would uphold Roe... go ahead and feel like that. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.
But you are only going to be severely disappointed. Judge Sotomayor is firmly pro-choice. And she's also smart enough to know you keep these types of issues out of any real polarizing public debate when you are about to be confirmed to the high court.
We are stuck with this woman no matter what. So Ill have to get used to her.
You keep saying she is firmly pro choice, can you direct me to where you read about this?
I would rather get disapointed instead of later