Sotomayer is a RACIST!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
How do we know?
She does a 180 and now admits she made a racist statement.

WASHINGTON – The White House says Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor acknowledges she made a poor word choice in a 2001 speech in which she said that a Latina judge would often reach a better conclusion than a white male judge who hasn't lived the same life.

Just remember Obama picked her, so that tells you about
his judgement also.

Sotomayer is bad news because she has always been a racist.

It's not exactly new, but it's called CHANGE!
How do we know?
She does a 180 and now admits she made a racist statement.

WASHINGTON – The White House says Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor acknowledges she made a poor word choice in a 2001 speech in which she said that a Latina judge would often reach a better conclusion than a white male judge who hasn't lived the same life.

Just remember Obama picked her, so that tells you about
his judgement also.

Sotomayer is bad news because she has always been a racist.

It's not exactly new, but it's called CHANGE!

It bothers you that much, huh....that some Hispanic has made more-of-their-Life, than you....and, it's a WOMAN!!!!!!


You Stormfront-boys are toooooooooooooooo predictable!!!

Sonia Sotomayor has a classic American story. So does Frank Ricci.

Ricci is a New Haven firefighter stationed seven blocks from where Sotomayor went to law school (Yale). Raised in blue-collar Wallingford, Ricci struggled as a C and D student in public schools ill-prepared to address his serious learning disabilities. Nonetheless he persevered, becoming a junior firefighter and Connecticut's youngest certified emergency medical technician.

After studying fire science at a community college, he became a New Haven "truckie," the guy who puts up ladders and breaks holes in burning buildings. When his department announced exams for promotions, he spent $1,000 on books, quit his second job so he could study eight to 13 hours a day and, because of his dyslexia, hired someone to read him the material.

He placed sixth on the lieutenant's exam, which qualified him for promotion. Except that the exams were thrown out by the city, and all promotions denied, because no blacks had scored high enough to be promoted.

Ricci (with 19 others) sued.

That's where these two American stories intersect. Sotomayor was a member of the three-member circuit court panel that upheld the dismissal of his case, thus denying Ricci his promotion.

This is why we can be confident Sotomayer is a RACIST!

She knew the facts and made a decision to screw the white boy.
These educated judges choose their words carefully.
She meant what she said and said what she meant.

She thinks hispanic women are superior to white males as judges.

But judge her by her actions and you also have to come to the same
Sotomayer is a RACIST!

This is a fact, not an opinion.

This is possibly what Obama probably knows also, although he doesn't admit it..

It's all about screwing the white boys, it's called CHANGE!
How do we know?
She does a 180 and now admits she made a racist statement.

WASHINGTON – The White House says Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor acknowledges she made a poor word choice in a 2001 speech in which she said that a Latina judge would often reach a better conclusion than a white male judge who hasn't lived the same life.

Just remember Obama picked her, so that tells you about
his judgement also.

Sotomayer is bad news because she has always been a racist.

It's not exactly new, but it's called CHANGE!


When you're so weak & sniveling that you remove one line so it's out of context out of a speech... not a legal ruling or something... FROM 2001!!!!!!! And then try and fake the fact that a REPUBLICAN GEORGE H. W. BUSH put her on the bench in the first place!

So I guess what asur is REALLY saying is the Republicants and the Bush's are not to be trusted because they have TERRIBLE judgment!:D

Weak dude... extremely weak and obviously not well researched.


When you're so weak & sniveling that you remove one line so it's out of context out of a speech... not a legal ruling or something... FROM 2001!!!!!!! And then try and fake the fact that a REPUBLICAN GEORGE H. W. BUSH put her on the bench in the first place!

So I guess what asur is REALLY saying is the Republicants and the Bush's are not to be trusted because they have TERRIBLE judgment!:D

Weak dude... extremely weak and obviously not well researched.

its not lack of research , its selective reading and memory of it...and lack of understanding of what you just read.....that and the talking points did not say more :)
So she's a racist, so what? Anyone who isn't a racist, please stand up!

I'm a bit of a racist. We all are racist in some ways. We can't help it. We have all these preconceived ideas of what other races are like...all these stereotypes. We all laugh at racist jokes, though we know they're mean. Some are really funny.
So she's a racist, so what? Anyone who isn't a racist, please stand up!

I'm a bit of a racist. We all are racist in some ways. We can't help it. We have all these preconceived ideas of what other races are like...all these stereotypes. We all laugh at racist jokes, though we know they're mean. Some are really funny.

I like your post. I like the honesty. I think some people are not racist. I do not consider myself racist but I have preconceived ideas about people, it’s not about the race of the person though it’s more about their stature in life and political or religious leanings that I tend to pre judge a person by.

The other day a street person walked up to me asking for money, I was sitting on a taco bell outside bench with two kids in a strange town. I pulled my purse closer to me. I pre decided that he may rob me based on him being a homeless person, not his skin color. Normally I would not do that (the pull my purse closer bit) I am sure it had to hurt the guy’s feelings, but I did not want to take any chances with two kids in a strange town.

I also have strong feelings about China, but not because of the race of the people, because of the political leanings and religious leanings or non religious leanings of the people.

I think if it’s possible we should not have S. C. judges who are racist but I suppose some of the other judges could be and with instant news we did not know about it before confirmation.
I think if it’s possible we should not have S. C. judges who are racist

We should only be picking the best for the SC.

Sotomayer is a RACIST and we should not be considering her.

There are plenty more that would like the job, liberals included,
that aren't racists or have never spoken or ruled like SototheRacist,.

We all ought to agree that Obama could choose better here.
I think if it’s possible we should not have S. C. judges who are racist

We should only be picking the best for the SC.

Sotomayer is a RACIST and we should not be considering her.

There are plenty more that would like the job, liberals included,
that aren't racists or have never spoken or ruled like SototheRacist,.

We all ought to agree that Obama could choose better here.

Honestly I can think of lots worse than her, but Im coming up blank on ones better that obama would want and we could accept.

Can you name a few that obama would want to put there and that we would not be so offended by?
Honestly, I don't think there is a person, let alone judge, on the face of the planet who would have similar views as the President that wouldn't offend any of the conservatives within the confines of this forum.