Someone we can all hate.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone as easy to hate as the members of the Westboro Babtist Church.

With slogans such as:


"Thank God for IEDs"

"Fags Are Worthy of Death"


"God Hates America"

I think it's important to reflect that though we may all have our differences here there are always people out there like the members of the WBC.

There seem to be between 71 and 150 members of this fringe group who represent no one but themselves. And yes they are pretty awful.
I do believe there is some creational force in the universe. I am not an atheist. I am not an evolutionist. But I am not a Christian, nor a member of any other religion either. When asked "How did we get here?" - the only rational response is "I don't know - we must know more in order to be able to find the answer."

If there is an intelligent designer of some sort, it is a form of consciousness that we can't even comprehend--one with no material form whatsoever. In my opinion, we will one day be able to scientifically measure spiritual energy, but right now we're simply too primitive to detect any such energy via contemporary scanning equipment. After studying hyperdimensional physics, I'm fairly well convinced of this.

It would seem reasonable that this creator if He has any creative powers at all would be able to effect his creation once He has created it. It would also seem reasonable that this incomprehensible creator would be able to effect His creation in ways that are beyond our abilities.

But the answers are definitely not in the Bible. It's very easy to prove the Christian "God" is a fiction.

Which seems more reasonable to you? 1) that you have developed a line of thought that is superior to the thinking of millions of Christians worldwide or 2) that you have made an honest mistake and missed something.