Some former presidents got plum military assignments that protected them from going to war.

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
However, that was not true for Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or Tim Walz, who avoided war by other means.

Joe Biden got five deferments from service in Vietnam because he had asthma as a teenager and his son was a military lawyer. Not very impressive is it Democrats?
I get it, you're insinuating that his son was “only” a military lawyer, and NOT a participant of actual war, right?

Everyone else thinks you're just being dumb, and thinking youre saying that Beau could have (go back in time and) gotten his dad a deferment.

But no, you weren't being just plain dumb. You were just being a dumb and mean spirited JERK who thinks Beau shouldn't get war time credit… because he was just a military lawyer.

Well, that's not up to YOU. And yeah, you are a jerk for bringing up his deceased son to try and one-up him compared to Trumps’ already well established, loser-like status. Well, that won't work now either. The two don't compare!

You stick to supporting your lying, assaulting, election denier, insurrection planning traitor of a draft dodging little minded felon by desperate means such as this, and well stick to President Biden, and his Veteran son Beau - and call it a day.

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Obaidul Karim Khan
No Trump has ever served in the US military. At least one Biden has.
Juniorbush was given the assignment of defending Alabama against aggression. He was not trained to fly the planes used in Vietnam, quite conveniently. Dick Cheney did not serve in the military at all.