Come on Andy don't be bitter.
Not bitter at all. You rarely if ever speak the truth.
And that's exactly what I said. You're the one that was trying to distance yourself.
I've said all along Bush was a wrecking ball and now we all have to clean up his mess.
Straw-man. I'm not trying to distance myself at all. I am explaining the view that I have always had, and still have. Bush was not nearly as bad as you claim. He did some very good things. Cutting taxes, and fighting the war, for example. At the same time, he wasn't what I would have wanted either. He allowed too much democrat spending, passed a socialist bailout, and didn't act to revoke the democrat push for sub-prime loans, or to force the democrats to regulate their cash cows Fannie and Freddie.
I'm not like you. I don't play partisan politics. Nor am I an "all or nothing" idiot, that can't see the good for the bad, or the reverse. In short, I think. I don't just play the "he screwed up everything" or the "he's perfect" cards. I didn't when Clinton was in office either. He passed some good things as well.
WHAT! We're in agreement?:
Because it's always like that in every election. Some people vote on just one single issue or on personality.
Perfect example: The KKK always endorses the Republican. In this cycle one branch at the beginning even had a direct fund raising link on their website going to Ron Paul.
For the left, it sure seems like most vote that way. At work a lady there railed and railed about Amnesty, than talk about how the democrats were going to fix that.
I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage.
This is what I run into constantly. People who believe that Obama is going to pay for everyone's gas. Obama is going to make everything free. Obama is going to stop illegal immigration. Obama is going to solve all everything.
I have even met people who voted for Obama specifically because they believed he was the messiah. There's another video on youtube, where they exit poll people and ask them various questions about policy and people. Most couldn't even name who Obama's VP was. Other's didn't know where he stood on most issues.
The left is the most ignorant group of people I've ever met.
Sorry you feel that way because I'm really extremely informed. Have to understand both sides to make a case for either.
But I know what you mean. I feel the same way about Beck or Savage or Limbag. So it's really that we're just adamantly opposed to one another's postion... and not a matter of being informed.
Sorry, but you have yet to show me you are informed on any issue. You still claim Bush lied, when the Rockefeller report proved conclusively he did not. You still believe socialized health care will work, when clearly it never has in history. You still claim the problem with GM is that they are making the wrong type of cars, when they are selling millions a year, but simply are not making money on them. You still claim deregulation caused the sub-prime melt down, despite it being regulation itself that pushed sub-prime loans.
I'd be hard pressed to locate even one issue you are actually informed on. You posts typically have zero facts, many claims, no support, and are full of partisan bias. At least with Shaman, I have to look something up, and prove the source wrong (which I always do). With you, there is nothing to even look up.
Andy you're going to have to face it. There was opposition. You yourself talked about the GREAT "Palin effect". The problem was you couldn't (and won't) get the moderates and the Independents.
It's like the Republican that said... If the Republican Brand was dog food it would be so damaged they'd pull it off the shelves!
No, the problem was we lost the political right to Ron Paul. Palin was the only thing the made the ticket interesting. Look, McCain was about as moderate as one gets. There's no denying that. Just go look who he voted with most of the time. Look at his Senate voting record. He even supported the Bailout, when conservatives were going nutz against it.
Getting the moderate vote wasn't the problem. That's the only vote he had. The only conservatives that voted for McCain, were one's that thought Obama would be worse.
Sounds a lot to me like a little kid screaming... I'll either throw a temper tantrum or I'll blame you!
That's exactly how I view the left. Even after the election, most of the new threads on this forum were "WAHHHHHH BUSH! WAHHHHH MCCAIN!". Nothing changes with you people. When there's nothing to complain about, you'll complain that there should be.
Hang in there Andy... it will be alright!
Yes. I am still banking that the conservatives will continuously attack Obama, so that he doesn't have time to screw much up. We'll see.