I never saw the two positions being that different.
Well being that the whole election was about changing direction away from the failed Bush/Republican policies I find that mindset at best somewhat flawed.
lol. After a dozen things they championed that failed, like CRA and the sub-prime loan, you choose something that worked fine, and complain it was a mistake. I like that. Black really is white, right is really wrong, Obama is for hope and change... It all fits perfectly.... if your insane.
Actually Andy insanity as defined by Einstein is... Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. Hence we hope to move away from Bush policies.
President Clinton on the other hand did a very good job presiding over our economy.
It's funny, I saw a McCain/Palin sticker on a car the other day, where they x-out McCain. Another one said "Palin! Finely a reason to vote!".
That's your group... the one's who still LOST!
As for these polls, I don't know who was polled, or if I believe any of them.
Over and over, democrats have been consistently all idiots.
Well then don't believe the polls then even after the election is over proving them correct. As far as who's the idiot then?

Hearsay removed.
Not hearsay. Thompson couldn't raise money... money is needed to run a competative campaign... people don't donate money to people they think are a bad choice and/or can't win... pretty simple math here Andy.
Absolutely, by stopping this socialist idiot.
It's a shame you're so bitter after your staggering defeat but I understand. It's difficult to have an almost Nazi mindset and have to watch so many on your team run out of town on a rail.
America the Beautiful!