So why have I become a bigot??

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And you should be glad we invaded Afgainstan and IRAQ. And you should be glad we dropped drones on Al Qaeda mutants. Al Queda is dying now because what actions we took after 9-11. If Bill Clinton done his job getting Bin Laden when he had him we wouldnt be invading the middle east now.
And you should be glad we invaded Afgainstan and IRAQ. And you should be glad we dropped drones on Al Qaeda mutants. Al Queda is dying now because what actions we took after 9-11. If Bill Clinton done his job getting Bin Laden when he had him we wouldnt be invading the middle east now.

I agree. I am absolutely no Obama fan. I almost hate giving him any credit at all. where credit is due. It took some balls to invade a country with an elite team and kill Bin Laden.
I hate almost EVERYTHING Obama has done. EXCEPT blowing up terrorists.
He had almost nothing to do with it.
Bush's efforts to find him paid off finally. He was VERY well hidden.
The Seals and intelligence ferreted him out and told him where he was.
Nero only had to show his thumbs down symbol.
What else could he do?
He would have been crucified if anyone found out he pulled another "Clinton" and let the monster go.
Well Carter helped the Iranians expell their Shah and now look what they have. The same thing is going to happen in Libya and Egypt. I don't think our government has ever understood Islam and how things work in that part of the world. How do you fight an ideology that's been ingrained for centuries?

Hitler was different. He had a standing army to shoot at. He and the Axis powers also had plans after taking Europe to attack the United States. We had to stop him.
They want to die for Alla, I want to kill them.

I do see why we don't get a long better.
Seems like a good fit to me.
Well Carter helped the Iranians expell their Shah and now look what they have. The same thing is going to happen in Libya and Egypt. I don't think our government has ever understood Islam and how things work in that part of the world. How do you fight an ideology that's been ingrained for centuries?

I've an idea of how to bring peace to the middle east.

See when Mitt becomes president..I want Pervez Musharraf captured and put in Gitmo Bay stand trial for lying when he said he didnt know where Bin Laden was. And Stand trial for the Murder of Benazir Bhutto. Musharraf did Murder her why you think she was murdered for? She knew where Bin Laden was. So the punishment is DEATH!
Bush went to Iraq because Sadam Housain had terrorist training camps in Iraq.
Was funding terrorism heavily, and was a monster.
I know some liberals think all the worlds problems are Bush's fault.
I'm glad we went. Just like I'm glad we went after Hitler.

he also invaded Kuwait and when he failed to honor the particulars of the ceasefire, had to be made to ay the price. all the rest was distraction.
Well Carter helped the Iranians expell their Shah and now look what they have. The same thing is going to happen in Libya and Egypt. I don't think our government has ever understood Islam and how things work in that part of the world. How do you fight an ideology that's been ingrained for centuries?

Hitler was different. He had a standing army to shoot at. He and the Axis powers also had plans after taking Europe to attack the United States. We had to stop him.

When you think about it--you can trace and blame Carter--realistically--for the whole middle-east ball of horror since 1979.
He unleashed the Pandora's Box of islamic extremism by letting that satanic monster return to Iran from Paris and take over.
Case closed.
And if Carter left the Soviets alone and not do that stupid boycott on invading Afgainstain Al Queda would never have risen. I rather buy oil from the Russians than from OPEC. And he gave weapons aid to Afgainstain and they turn those weapons against us.
Yeah,,Why did we fight Hitler back in WWII? Hitler didnt do anything to us. The Japs did. They bombed Pearl Harbor not the Germans. So the U.S freed the French from the Nazis which wasnt our business. I knew someday they were gonna screw with us and they did. The French used their Veto at the U.N so we couldnt attack Iraq. The French didnt even remember DDAY 1945 and know who saved their asses from Adolph Hitler. I do agree with some of your thoughts. I do think Bush went over to Iraq not to free Iraq but to get Saddam because he tried to kill his daddy.

Hitler declared war on the FDR's delight, shortly after Pearl Harbor. FDR had been itching for war with Germany for some time because he was Stalin's Stooge (Stalin had many spies in FDR's administration) and because he wished to help the Brits who had effectively brainwashed him.

What we need to realize is WAR is a way for statists to centralize power into their hands and commit all sorts of unconstitutional actions reducing our liberties. Wilson and FDR did many such things during their reigns of terror. Also look at what Bush and BO have done since the war on terror began.

A war with Iran will be no different AND many young Americans will die. The statist loves war and he/she has no problem with causing the deaths of thousands of our youth to increase their power. Don't you think BO would gladly cause the death of thousands to get a second term to promote his Fascist agenda???? THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS!!!!!

All these wars and police actions the US has undertaken around the world are helping to bankrupt the nation. We need to follow the advice the Founders gave us. They said stay out of the internal affairs of other nations because they knew this would be costly and work to centralize power into the hands of statists.
from christians thats pretty funny...with there 2000 years of killing others....But you guys tend to forget all of that.

The same old tired and ignorant refrain from the radical left. The Christians do it childish, but very typical. No doubt many on the Left think Jesus said, "kill all who oppose you."

The problem with this old liberal refrain is it is nearly everything else espoused by the Left. And it trivializes the monstrous murders and suffering inflicted by radical Islam TODAY. They appease radical Islam while condemning Christianity. SICK...VERY SICK!