BUT. . .infinitely LESS EXPENSIVE, both in terms of American life and in terms of money!
So again...you assert "victory" really only means "cheaper"?
Come on, Bob. . .Never heard about the "Arab Spring?" That was the "Spring of 2011," you know, not the "Spring of 2003!" Be real!
I suggest you evaluate the history of the region before making uniformed statements such as the one above.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that there was no internal rebellion in Iraq before we invaded? That is a total distortion of reality.
So. . .it's not our problem, either way! And we didn't have to occupy a country for 9 years, only to be basically kicked out so Iraq can continue its honeymoon with Iran!
Why you keep harping on failure in Iraq as if that somehow makes Libya automatically a success is beyond me.
And how would YOU measure it for American people? If Libya (or Iraq) had turned out to be our "pets," or if we could continue to "manipulate" their politics, or if we continue to purchase their weapons for them like we do for Israel?
I measure success by the protection and furthering of our interests. A nation hardly has to be a "pet" to accomplish this.
You're kidding, right? Maybe not "enemies" at first, although Bush tried really hard when he said "those who are not with us are against us!" and most of our allies said. . ."go ahead, make a fool of yourself in Iraq!"
Again, you are examining actions in Iraq in 2003 through a lens of 2011. As for "most of our allies" opposing Iraq...that is simply a lie again.
I just do not believe that we have to have a "national interest" to do the right thing. . .and OIL is not so much "national interest" than it is "big oil industry interest," another way we tried to "subsidize" big oil industry!
Stability in oil markets is in our national interest. There is really no denying that at this point.
For you, maybe, not for me. The unstability created by a crazy dictator was enough of a time bomb to make many countries uncomfortable. . .and we didn't even have to lie about "weapons of mass destruction!"
Every argument made for intervention in Libya could have easily applied to Iraq...
If Bush said we are intervening in Iraq to rid the world of a dictator who kills his own people and creates instability in the region would you have supported it? Odds are you would not...yet here you are supporting Obama's intervention in Libya on those exact grounds.
It's wrong to be "profiters" after the fact. It's wrong to have so little integrity that one criticize the same person over and over again, then tries to take advantage of his accomplishment. A little honesty would help!
No it's not. It is like a bill going through Congress. A member may hate the bill and want it to fail, but if it has the votes to pass, they might as well try to negotiate something to be included that benefits their district etc.
Yep, now at least, under Obama, we can be SUCCESSFUL PARTICIPANTS instead of ISOLATED BULLIES!
I know this is yet another swipe at Iraq, I suggest you examine how many countries actually were involved in that operation before dismissing them all as irrelevant.
As you said yourself, it was planned by NATO, as a support for the PEOPLE. And it was successful to this point. This is more than what we can say about IraQ.
It is quite clear you somehow equate success to anything that is not Iraq. That is probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard. By that "logic" we could fail totally in a foreign policy endeavor, and you will call it a success because "it is not Iraq."
Again, take off the Obama blinders and attempt to comprehend why I oppose action in Libya. It has nothing to do with who is in the White House. If it was a Republican I would be saying the exact same thing....apparently you are too blinded to see past the "everyone hates Obama" rhetoric. Sad.