Despite assertions from the Progressive bots that such things wouldn't happen till after the problems in the economy were solved, the Progressive leaders (read that fascists) are wasting no time assaulting our second amendment rights in an effort to disarm the public.
Introduced January 6th 2009:
H.R. 45, Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009;
Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license.
Obama: "law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear"
The second amendment isn't for hunting, its not for sport, its there as the last resort to protect all our other rights from those who would violate those rights, that includes an oppressive government.
If you own a gun, you will be required to get a license and register with your states attorney general or find yourself labeled a criminal and subject to severe punitive action. Should the A.G. turn down your application... You'll have to surrender your firearms.
This is the same kind of backdoor garbage government used with the "drug stamp act" where you could only possess, acquire or sell drugs if you apply for a drug stamp... a stamp they don't have to issue and have never issued. There is no language in H.R. 45 that requires the states A.G.'s to issue licenses, only that citizens are required to have one or be criminals for possessing a firearm. If passed, this would be a sinisterly clever law that works around the recent SCOTUS decision.
For those who think this is "common sense" legislation and support such efforts, imagine you had to have a license and be registered with the state to exercise your right to free speech, or practice a religion, or any of your other rights, and a failure to obtain such a license would make you a criminal for exercising those rights. Remember, there is no guarantee that you would be issued such a license, no matter how model a citizen you happen to be.
Its not freedom when you need permission from the government to exercise rights guaranteed to you by the constitution. When you need permission, they cease to be rights and become privileges (like driving), your rights are no longer guaranteed and the constitution becomes, as Bush so eloquently put it; "just a G-d damn piece of paper."
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing....
Write, call, outright harass your Congressmen and Senators about this assault on our liberty.
What's the problem? We license cars and computer software and just about anything else important. There's nothing here about taking away law abiding citizens guns.
Much like a good background check I'd find it hard to believe you'd be lobbying for convicted felons and people with documented mental illnesses to be able to pack around a Glock or an AK-47.
Plus one of the problems we have with firearms is a legitimate person buys a weapon... but then he can sell it to Charles Manson and no one is the wiser. A mandated registration process helps stop that practice.
And pleeeease don't get all 1776 sentimental on us.

I'm sure the Founders never meant for criminals of schizophrenic psychotics to have guns to kill innocent law abiding citizens when they drafted the 2nd Amendment.
So let's not over react. It's not anti 2nd Amendment to have to have a concealed carry permit... or a background check... or a registered gun.