Smoking Laws


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2007
Houston, TX
I feel that laws that prohibit smoking are a major form of discrimination. Everything was fair, and the system worked when there were smoking and non-smoking sections. Smoking is not illegal, yet a person who smokes has to go outside to smoke at restaurants and, even now bars. I mean, who in the hell goes to a bar and has a problem with little cigarette smoke in the air???! These type of idiots were never wanted in bars, and never will be. Also, it seems pretty hilarious that everything was fine when there were smoking sections, but now people who smoke usually do so right around the entrance to the restaurant they're at, and the non-smokers have to walk by and be exposed to smoke. The look on their faces as they walk through the smoke and realize that their stupid plan has just backfired in their faces is priceless. Thoughts on these types of laws???
From July, smoking in public places in the UK will be banned. This includes high streets, parks, beaches etc. Basically, you have to wander to the middle of nowhere where some do gooder wont see you or go into your own home.

If I want to smoke (which I don't) I should be allowed to, unless I'm blowing it in your face or something. It's not like car exhausts are good for you. Lets ban them too.

£80 ($150 dollars!!) fine for smoking in a public place on the spot. It wont work. If I can smoke a joint in public often enough, I can't see how you can police a cigarette very efficently.

Another money grabbing scheme by the government. If they don't like smoking so much, ban the ****ing things and don't sell them in the first place.

By the way, if I happen to start mentioning fags half way through this thread its not a gay slur! Sorry in advance.
Ha ha Brits and theyre "Fags" always throws the Americans dosent it? and Bangers thats another one they seem to giggle about. I would have to wholeheartedly agree with your assesments here, and I am EX-Smoker to boot! I smoked fags for 25 yrs quit 3 yrs sgo, never looked back. But i think it should be like you all have layed out
I'm one of those "idiots" who does go to bars, concerts and restaraunts. Who says I'm not wanted or never will be wanted in a bar? I have no problem with the right to smoke but I do have a problem with breathing your smoke. See, once it leaves your personal space it is physically invading mine. It physically gets onto my clothes. How would you react if I came up and sprayed some foul smelling substance on your clothes? I imagine you would be quite upset.

As for smoking sections they are a joke since the smoke doesn't pay any attention to a made up invisible line inside an enclosed space. On that though I do believe that private business should have the option to declare their establishments as smoking or non-smoking. It needs to be right up front so when you go to patronize the place you can turn around or go right in at that point. In my local area many businesses are removing smoking areas on their own since they aren't being utilized, especially restaraunts. It doesn't make sense to have empty seats in one area while the others are overflowing. Plus the associated cleaning costs and replacement of furniture due to smoke is getting prohibitive.
I'm one of those "idiots" who does go to bars, concerts and restaraunts. Who says I'm not wanted or never will be wanted in a bar? I have no problem with the right to smoke but I do have a problem with breathing your smoke. See, once it leaves your personal space it is physically invading mine. It physically gets onto my clothes. How would you react if I came up and sprayed some foul smelling substance on your clothes? I imagine you would be quite upset.

As for smoking sections they are a joke since the smoke doesn't pay any attention to a made up invisible line inside an enclosed space. On that though I do believe that private business should have the option to declare their establishments as smoking or non-smoking. It needs to be right up front so when you go to patronize the place you can turn around or go right in at that point. In my local area many businesses are removing smoking areas on their own since they aren't being utilized, especially restaraunts. It doesn't make sense to have empty seats in one area while the others are overflowing. Plus the associated cleaning costs and replacement of furniture due to smoke is getting prohibitive.

I agree that smoking should generally be outlawed in pubs, bars, restaurants etc., with the exception of a limited number of smoking pubs in towns. However, on the street?? Its my street just as much as anyone elses. Someone crusing around in an SUV with an exhaust pumping out **** into the atmosphere doesn't get more than two fingers from someone whos get sprayed with the stuff.

Apparently our breakfast cereal called Shreddies is funny too.
I agree that smoking should generally be outlawed in pubs, bars, restaurants etc., with the exception of a limited number of smoking pubs in towns. However, on the street?? Its my street just as much as anyone elses. Someone crusing around in an SUV with an exhaust pumping out **** into the atmosphere doesn't get more than two fingers from someone whos get sprayed with the stuff.

Apparently our breakfast cereal called Shreddies is funny too.

Yes, the street is just as much yours but if you saw someone throw some trash on the ground do you just ignore what they do or do you say something?

SUVs pumping out exhaust is obnoxius also but that is a separate issue from smoking. There are laws and standards in place to deal with it.

As for the differences in Brit speak and American do you carry your fags in a fanny pack or a bum bag? :D
"I'm one of those "idiots" who does go to bars, concerts and restaraunts. Who says I'm not wanted or never will be wanted in a bar? I have no problem with the right to smoke but I do have a problem with breathing your smoke. See, once it leaves your personal space it is physically invading mine. It physically gets onto my clothes. How would you react if I came up and sprayed some foul smelling substance on your clothes? I imagine you would be quite upset."
--Sorry, not personally calling you an idiot Schultz. But seriously, people who go to bars and don't smoke are a minority (I think it's fair to say). Can't smoke in a bar...what's next?...can't drink beer at a baseball game??? It's totally ridiculous. By the way, if we were at a bar, I would buy you a drink since you make good conversation (even if we don't agree on everything).

"As for smoking sections they are a joke since the smoke doesn't pay any attention to a made up invisible line inside an enclosed space. On that though I do believe that private business should have the option to declare their establishments as smoking or non-smoking. It needs to be right up front so when you go to patronize the place you can turn around or go right in at that point. In my local area many businesses are removing smoking areas on their own since they aren't being utilized, especially restaraunts. It doesn't make sense to have empty seats in one area while the others are overflowing. Plus the associated cleaning costs and replacement of furniture due to smoke is getting prohibitive."
--In Houston, where I live, the previous requirement was that the smoking section had to be seperated from the non-smoking section by means of a physical barrier such as a wall. Also, I believe there had to be a ventilation system for the smoking sections.
"By the way, if I happen to start mentioning fags half way through this thread its not a gay slur! Sorry in advance."
--LOL! Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone here knows. I love the British so much!!! "Can I bum a fag mate?" "That bloke was all 6's and 7's at the pub!"

9Sublime...dude I would totally 'lift a pint' with you!!!
Also, 9Subline, I've been to quite a few places around the world, but the people in the U.K. are probably the nicest people I've ever met.
The smoking ban was recently put into effect here, and it really upsets me as well. I understand that in SOME restaurants the smoking and non smoking sections are right next to each other and it does nothing, but look at places such as I-HOP. They have a completely seperate room for smokers to eat in. I think it's bull that a restaurant owner doesn't have a choice of what THEY want. It's their restaurant, why can't they be allowed to make the decisionm rather than the government? Oh yeah, it's America, the free.
"By the way, if I happen to start mentioning fags half way through this thread its not a gay slur! Sorry in advance."
--LOL! Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone here knows. I love the British so much!!! "Can I bum a fag mate?" "That bloke was all 6's and 7's at the pub!"

9Sublime...dude I would totally 'lift a pint' with you!!!

Thats right Houston I forgot to address that yesterday..........
I used to live off of Bissonett and I also lived off of the 610 loop north by conroe as well as Sugarland I used to drive from Houston to galveston every day to work at Mobay chemical corp actually in Baytown on refinery row

I installed many high end electroncis systems at the Houston med center the four seasons the astrodome etc
when the bottom fell out in 1985 i left sugarland and texas
My kids are texans Born in houston im a yankee who went home
Sorry to have lost you Abraxis! I live in the Montrose area (I'm not gay..not that it matters. But I'm sure you know what I'm talking about:-) ). I actually grew up in Sugarland. Med Center is definitely booming these days. I don't know if you've been here since, but you probably wouldn't recognize H-town. There has been massive gentrification going on and a complete renovation of Downtown, yet the Heights has maintained its historical charm. But, it's really cool because there's still no zoning so everything's all mixed together--old and new. You might be a Yank, but you're a Texan too!!! Also, that REX84 stuff you told me about is fascinating and terrifying!!! By the way, what are the smoking laws like where you live???
"I might as well play up to this:
More than happy to pop down the local boozer for a quick bevvy old boy."
--HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! That is AWESOME!!! I would be honored!
"local boozer"--That's absolutely incredible!!! I've never heard that one before. That's my new phrase of the day...'local boozer'...I love it!

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