Should marijuana be legalized?

Should we legalize it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 26.8%

  • Total voters
Aha! Another great example of incoherent ramblings. Did you really mean to say that my "weak insult" was non debatable? I agree. Thank you for the confirmation.

NO ..............sorry ace My information is Impeccable and Non-debatable because i simply am correct ......period

Yes, you have given all of us a great example of the results of 30+ years of smoking pot. If that doesn't scare the kids away from toking up, nothing will.

Generally speaking its at this point here, when I know ,That I have the total Upper hand, in this all you have is insults

I, for one, am quite familiar with the results of hemp and marijuana prohibition, and I've said that I'm against the continuation of such prohibition. What you've done for us once again is to confirm that long term pot use can scramble brain cells. For one thing, you are arguing against a point I never made, and don't seem to realize it. For another, what's up with the random capitals and lack of punctuation? Have you forgotten the conventions of the English language?
well sir,
IF you are SO KNOWLEDGABLE in this area of expertise.......why is it that all you seem to be able to do is Insult me,and Chastise me on my grammar? Probably because You arent as versed as you claim to be .For if you were we would be debating the issue....instead you have copied Paleriders tack, and have chosen to debate my grammar and Hurl insults about like a tennis ball.

the reason? because your incapable of actually debating the issue. Why? I can only assume its your lack of education in this area? Like was said above I know i have the upper hand......why? because you all have NOTHING to bring to the table

No, I don't feel bad that I'm in the majority. Why would I?

Or, have you once again posted a point you didn't intend to make?

once again you have comprehension difficulties...must still be in skool huh?

Keep it up. You're confirming my point with every post.:)
again showing the readers who has the upper hand!! when your ready to take me on with that supposed Knowledge of the subject..........ill be here waiting....

have a nice day

Do you have anything of value to add to this conversation? Or is this going to go the way that Pale originally tried to bring it? Thats the best you have to offer is Grammatical errors? Ok then Its been Nice reading your attempts at putting me in my place when you have a point or want to discuss aspects of this you just come on back now here?

hahahahah punctuation police thats the best youve got!!!!!


have a nice day
Do you have anything of value to add to this conversation? Or is this going to go the way that Pale originally tried to bring it? Thats the best you have to offer is Grammatical errors? Ok then Its been Nice reading your attempts at putting me in my place when you have a point or want to discuss aspects of this you just come on back now here?

hahahahah punctuation police thats the best youve got!!!!!


have a nice day

Thanks for continuing to make my point.

MJ smoking is a bad idea, especially over the long haul.
Prohibition hasn't worked, and probably won't in the future, just as alcohol prohibition didn't work.

Therefore, the best solution is to legalize it and tax it to pay for the societal problems it causes.

Simple, practical, workable, but it will never happen anyway.
My opinion of MJ is, it has more good qualities than bad. It should be legalized, it surely doesn't harm the body any worse than alcohol.
marijuana is a gateway drug.

usage of marijuana will lead to usage of harder drugs.

however, i have to agree with you on the alcohol part. i think there should be more restrictions on alcohol

If MJ were a gateway drug, then i would have been a crack head many years ago! If there is anything that takes away the inhabitions and makes you think doing anything is ok, it's alcohol. There's a gateway drug for you!
If MJ were a gateway drug, then i would have been a crack head many years ago! If there is anything that takes away the inhabitions and makes you think doing anything is ok, it's alcohol. There's a gateway drug for you!

Tobacco is another one that could be considered a gateway drug, as it is the first one many people get addicted to.

Another question about the gateway drug concept is this:

Is there really a link between starting any drug, and becoming addicted to one of the really devastating ones, or are there just some people who have addictive personalities, and so are more likely to become addicted to whatever is available to them?
Tobacco is another one that could be considered a gateway drug, as it is the first one many people get addicted to.

Another question about the gateway drug concept is this:

Is there really a link between starting any drug, and becoming addicted to one of the really devastating ones, or are there just some people who have addictive personalities, and so are more likely to become addicted to whatever is available to them?

I think it has to do with predisposition to addiction. Some people are addicted to food, others sex. What was the gateway to those? I quit smoking pot 20 years ago, but before that i was a heavy pot smoker. It never made me think about doing any other drug, however alcohol has made me do things i would never tell anyone. All pot did was make me raid the fridge, cabinets, and go to the store for more munchies.
I've done some pretty embarassing things on alcohol, and under the influence of alcohol I end up with a joint in my mouth when I've quit smoking the stuff.
I've done some pretty embarassing things on alcohol, and under the influence of alcohol I end up with a joint in my mouth when I've quit smoking the stuff.
My point exactly, alcohol will give you a false sense of security in that anything you do is OK. I have done things when drinking that i wouldn't want anyone to know, plus i have blacked out and not remembered what i did. Never on pot did anything like that happen! They need to make alcohol illegal and legalize MJ. I quit both many many years ago though. Thank God!
My point exactly, alcohol will give you a false sense of security in that anything you do is OK. I have done things when drinking that i wouldn't want anyone to know, plus i have blacked out and not remembered what i did. Never on pot did anything like that happen! They need to make alcohol illegal and legalize MJ. I quit both many many years ago though. Thank God!

It sounds as if you made a good decision in giving up alcohol and MJ entirely. For those who drink moderately, however, there may be some significant health benefits to alcohol consumption:

The moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages, defined as 1 to 2 drinks per day, has been suggested to increase overall survival rates in a number of different population groups. One standard drink is generally considered to be 1.5 oz of liquor, 5 oz of wine, or 12 oz of beer. The patient groups that appear to benefit most from light to moderate drinking, middle-aged men and women, are also those who are at increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Thus, the reduction in total mortality that is associated with moderate alcohol consumption, generally a 30% reduction in risk, is believed to be the result of a reduction in the risk of developing atherosclerotic disease.

Let's not try alcohol prohibition again.
You're right, it was a good move on my part to give it all up. I know there are medical advantages to a glass of wine occasionally etc, but some people,(ME) can't drink like that. I never had to go to AA or through any program to quit though, i just decided one day that i never wanted to do it again and i just quit, that day. The same way with pot. I'm lucky though, i was told by an expert in the field that i don't have and addictive personality, and quitting is just as simple as that. Everyone isn't as lucky though, i sympathize with them.
I think the ultimate thing about marajuana prohibition in terms of who is right or wrong is that the prohibition isn't working successfully, and never really has since it came in.

So what do you propose, because a radical step is needed. Cut peoples hands off for smoking the stuff, or relax the laws and let the police deal with the high crime rates.

The prohibition on murder, and armed robbery and arson etc., etc., etc., isn't working very well either. Does that mean that we should just strike the laws from the books?
I havent distanced myself from ANYTHING in this post ..I dont have to I own You. your simply not educated in this area of expertise .its ok I understand completly.

Im sure the treaders do too you do realize that everyone who has participated in this post has told you that you have been soundly beaten in debate

Rants.hardly .........................Conclusive documented Proof


have a nice day

Documented by a man who doesn't even have a degree from a community college. Some evidence.
The prohibition on murder, and armed robbery and arson etc., etc., etc., isn't working very well either. Does that mean that we should just strike the laws from the books?

The crimes you mentioned have victims. While you've established that marijuana can have a detrimental effect on the user, there aren't any firmly-established societal negatives present. The only victim then is the user himself and if he wants to victimize himself why not let him?
The crimes you mentioned have victims. While you've established that marijuana can have a detrimental effect on the user, there aren't any firmly-established societal negatives present. The only victim then is the user himself and if he wants to victimize himself why not let him?

Because the nature of our society is to help those who have victimized themselves and I don't want my tax money spent supporting people who engage in self destructive activities.

If our society was one that would let them live with the consequences of their actions and not offer help when they make a mess of their lives or wreck their health, it would be different, but our society isn't like that. You and I have to pay for their upkeep and I simply don't see any sound reason to add one more item to the ever growing list of legal ways to wreck your life and live off of someone else's dime.

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