Senator Caroline Kennedy???

So what public office has she held to give her the experience to be a US senator?

You guys gave Palin a hard time for lack of experience. At least Sarah Palin was a mayor and a Governor of a state. This chick all she has is a last name....

I am not trying to justify Caroline Kennedy to be Senator from NY. Personally I dont care, the situation in NY state is so screwed up, that I think drastic measures need to be looked at. I dont care if they appoint Derek Jeter.

As for Palin, she was the mayor of Wasilla, a town of 5,000 people. Governing policy over what is probably the equivalent of a good sized home owners association in NYC. Now she is the Governor of a state of less than 700,000 people(signifigantly less than 4 of the 5 boroughs in NYC) But the fact of the matter is that you are comparing apples and oranges. Being a single Senator out of 100, or being a heart beat away from being POTUS.
Your not from that state, so should you not leave yourself out as well?
As I have said in plenty of other places on this site, I try not to pass much judgement on what individual states do, because I dont like it when it happens to my state. As I said about this issue, I dont care who gets appointed, but I would rather see a special election anytime a Congressional appointment takes place.
Of course he is going to push for her, He belives in her, and is going to support her as family. If he did not, you would people would use that against her as well saying look even ted is not backing her...
Coming from a state that is often fraught with blatant nepotism, despite that being frowned upon, there is a fine line there. Saying you support your niece is one thing, making personal phone calls on their behalf is something else.
If the people of the state think she is the best to voice there concerns and views then so be it. I dont know who she is going against so I cant say if I think she is the best choice or not.
Of course the people of NY should have the most say, unfortunately that isnt the case. You have a replacement Governor single handedly appointing a person to the highest legislative body in the country, probably in the world.
She can't be any worse than the elected mis-representatives that have been screwing things up in DC for the past 2 years. When the Democrats ran on a promise of "ending the war", "fixing Washington" and "getting things done", and all they've managed to do is oversee the complete meltdown of our economy, well, that's not exactly "change we can believe in" now is it?
She can't be any worse than the elected mis-representatives that have been screwing things up in DC for the past 2 years. When the Democrats ran on a promise of "ending the war", "fixing Washington" and "getting things done", and all they've managed to do is oversee the complete meltdown of our economy, well, that's not exactly "change we can believe in" now is it?

I find it hard to bite on the fact that the Democrats only are responsible for the economic times we find ourselves in. The GOP is what has caused our current include our foreign policy issues, and the domestic expenditures.