Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) dies at age 89


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Lautenberg, the last WWII vet to serve in the Senate, died from viral pneumonia.

Lautenberg was best known for turning law-abiding Americans into felons with the stroke of a pen.

When I filed for divorce a long time ago, the judge handed out routine restraining orders to me and my (now ex-) wife, saying each could not harass, attack, badmouth, commit violence etc. against the other. We both pointed out that there had never been the sightest hint of violence, threat etc. in our marriage. But the judge replied that these orders were routine in divorce cases and would have no real effect in the majority of cases.

I became a felon at that moment. A law sponsored by Frank Lautenberg and passed in 1996, forbids anyone who is under a restraining order that mentions "domestic violence", from owning a gun or even ammunition. I don't know how many thousdands of other people were similarly turned into felons by Mr. Lautenberg. At the same time, thousands of cops had to give up their service revolvers and get stuck on desk jobs.

When the divorce became final, the judge rescinded the orders, again routinely. My son lived with me for the next ten years. I taught him gun safety, how to shoot, how to care for weapons etc. He graduates from Univ. of Calif. next week.

Seven years after the orders were rescinded, the Statues of Limitations on my "crime" finally ran out.
BTW, the People's Republic of California recently passed laws authorizing police to go to the houses of felons in possession of firearms - even people who legally acquired their firearms but later became "felons" - raid their homes, and confiscate all firearms they could find.

I'm glad that Lautenberg is no longer in a position to make felons out of Americans who have done no wrong.
Seems this is a problem for progressive Gov.Christie. The best gop candidate in terms of running for reelection after this partial term is somewhat conservative. As you might expect the portly obama pal does not like him. Fems anxious to help out. Gerry Rivers (aka Geraldo Rivera) says he woyld be happt to answer the call of duty.

Jersey is one screwy state.
Seems this is a problem for progressive Gov.Christie. The best gop candidate in terms of running for reelection after this partial term is somewhat conservative. As you might expect the portly obama pal does not like him. Fems anxious to help out. Gerry Rivers (aka Geraldo Rivera) says he woyld be happt to answer the call of duty.

Jersey is one screwy state.

Why is Kean the best candidate? He got soundly defeated in 2006 when he ran for Senate, and if anything the state is trending more Democratic since then, not more "conservative." Odds are that R's will not hold the seat, regardless of who Gov. Christie appoints.
Why is Kean the best candidate? He got soundly defeated in 2006 when he ran for Senate, and if anything the state is trending more Democratic since then, not more "conservative." Odds are that R's will not hold the seat, regardless of who Gov. Christie appoints.

as you point out, the gop bench is neither long nor talented so having a recognizabl3 last name has to suffice.

mainly this is a rare if shakey opportunity for the gop. and could well be a make or break for Christie. the right choice and he's a hero again, wrong choice and he cant lose enough weight to survive.
as you point out, the gop bench is neither long nor talented so having a recognizabl3 last name has to suffice.

So the only thing that makes him a good replacement is some people might know his name?

mainly this is a rare if shakey opportunity for the gop. and could well be a make or break for Christie. the right choice and he's a hero again, wrong choice and he cant lose enough weight to survive.

Sadly, the GOP isn't going to hold the seat.