If the poor are well house , they may find jobs and increase spending on other things. This discretionary spending should increase and boost the economy. Not all public housing projects go downhill.
It is a fact that an increase in purchasing power at the lower end of the social spectrum creates more spending and thus more demand for products, and thus more jobs than tax breaks at the higher end of the social spectrum. This is due to the velocity of money.
Tax Efficiency and Tax Equity - thisMatter.com
thismatter.com › Economics
Velocity of Money Definition & Example | Investing Answers
It is a proven economic principle. But obviously, those in power prefer to feed their "tax break to the wealthy creates more jobs!" although this has been disproved repeatedly, and, with all the Reagan tax breaks for the wealthy, we should have had an extremely low unemployment . . .which obviously did not happen!
By the way, unemployment is ALREADY close to bottom (yes, 4 to 5% is believed to be the bottom of the "optimum" unemployment rate (or FULL EMPLOYMENT) because this take into account people who are changing jobs and leaves enough room for increased need for new enterprises to find employees).
Natural Rate of Unemployment: Definition, Trends - The Balance
https://www.thebalance.com › ... › U.S. Economy › Supply: Labor, Oil and Capital
So. . .what is there to gain with Trump's HUGE gift to the already very wealthy? NOTHING. . .at least nothing for the American economy, for the average American, and for the world in general.
Just a ever smaller "club" or super wealthy who have no respect for those who REALLY work!