Science is often wrong

I remember reading that an alarmingly large (forgot how large) percentage of psychology research could not be reproduced by others. In most academic fields "publish or perish" holds true, and leads to a lot of panicked iffy results. Fortunately after a time, truer science emerges. It can take a long time, like the age old, "you must drink 8 glasses of water everyday" meme had no basis but held on for many decades.
I remember reading that an alarmingly large (forgot how large) percentage of psychology research could not be reproduced by others. In most academic fields "publish or perish" holds true, and leads to a lot of panicked iffy results. Fortunately after a time, truer science emerges. It can take a long time, like the age old, "you must drink 8 glasses of water everyday" meme had no basis but held on for many decades.
Correct . Science is often wrong about things . They present a theory shall we say about about how life stared . It's just a theroy and there are many. Fact is we will probably never know.
But idiots like lug nut do not even understand what science is .
I remember reading that an alarmingly large (forgot how large) percentage of psychology research could not be reproduced by others. In most academic fields "publish or perish" holds true, and leads to a lot of panicked iffy results. Fortunately after a time, truer science emerges. It can take a long time, like the age old, "you must drink 8 glasses of water everyday" meme had no basis but held on for many decades.
Psychology is literaly completely subjective and thusly also axiomaticaly a pseudoscience. It's just a vatican by a different name.