Schwarzenegger orders cuts amid fiscal crisis

The Scotsman

Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2008
South of the Haggis Munching Line
By DON THOMPSON, Associated Press Writer
Thu Jul 31, 5:23 PM ET

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - With California's cash dwindling and legislators still debating a new budget, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger eliminated thousands of part-time and temporary state jobs Thursday and ordered that 200,000 state workers receive the federal minimum wage.

His move had been expected since last week but starkly illustrated the cash problem facing the nation's most populous state. Schwarzenegger apologized to state workers but said he had no choice.

"Today I am exercising my executive authority to avoid a full-blown crisis and keep our state moving forward," Schwarzenegger said. "This is not an action I take lightly."

The moves could save hundreds of millions of dollars a month, but whether full-time employees' paychecks will be cut is in doubt because the state controller, who cuts the checks, has said he will not comply with it

Democratic and Republican lawmakers are divided over how to close a $15.2 billion deficit, with Democrats favoring $8.2 billion in new taxes on corporations and the wealthiest residents. Republicans want a spending cap and oppose tax increases.

Adding to the crisis was an unprecedented wildfire outbreak that cost far more for emergency response than the state had budgeted.

As of June, more than 30 states faced deficits totaling a projected $40 billion, or more than triple the gap of the previous year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

California is the last state with a fiscal year that begins July 1 that still does not have a budget. It is facing a $15.2 billion deficit, dwarfing that of all other states. The next highest at the start of the fiscal year was New York's, at $5.2 billion.

Schwarzenegger's cuts exempt public safety agencies such as police and fire departments and prisons but will have an immediate effect everywhere else. Hiring, overtime and contracting will be halted, and tens of thousands of employees will feel the squeeze.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, a Democrat, said she was disappointed with the decision to defer the pay of full-time employees until a budget is signed.

"It is an unwise and unfortunate move to cause economic strife to public servants and their families who are working hard and playing by the rules," she said in a statement.

Bass said she hoped a new spending plan would be offered to Schwarzenegger "in the next few days."

Tiffany Woodruff, 28, works part-time at the state Employment Training Panel, which provides training to those who are out of work. She was expecting a pink slip Thursday afternoon and said she and other employees feel like pawns in the budget fight.

"We're just completely upset with having your salary completely abolished because of the inaction of the Legislature and the political inaction here," she said.

Schwarzenegger's executive order eliminating jobs covers 22,000 retired state employees who work under contract, temporary and part-time workers such as those who fill in at the Department of Motor Vehicles, seasonal employees and student assistants. But Schwarzenegger's finance team said just 10,300 would receive pink slips immediately. The others might be exempted because their jobs are deemed crucial to public safety.

Schwarzenegger also cited a 2003 California Supreme Court ruling allowing him to slash the pay of regular full-time employees when the state lacks a budget. By law, those workers must be paid at least the federal minimum wage of $6.55 an hour and will be reimbursed once a budget is approved.

Department heads were ordered to develop a list of exempt employees by Friday.

The first paycheck to be affected by the minimum wage order would be in early September, but state Controller John Chiang, a Democrat, sent a letter to Schwarzenegger on Thursday saying he will defy the order and issue employees their regular paychecks.

He said the executive order was based on "faulty legal and factual premises." Chiang said the 2003 ruling did not specify the amount of the salary his office could pay state employees during a budget impasse.

The controller and the Republican administration also differ over the state's financial condition. Chiang maintains that California has enough money to meet all its expenses through September.

As Schwarzenegger left the news conference to return to his office, a man in the hallway of the Capitol began shouting at him "no, no" and saying the cuts were unfair. He was quickly surrounded by California Highway Patrol officers and taken away.

Officer Keith Troy said the man was detained for protesting without a permit and escorted out of the Capitol; he was released without charges when officers determined he posed no threat. Troy said he did not have the man's name.

I'm assuming that Mr. Schwarzenegger and the State Legislators will also be forfeiting their salaries in a show of solidaity with state workers until they come up with a consensus plan that will sort this mess out?

Culling Government workers Hmmmmm.....always used to be seen as soft option?
There is no way to cut government spending in a fashion that does not eliminate jobs. Taxpayer dollars have to be administered by someone.

There simply are no other good options.
There is no way to cut government spending in a fashion that does not eliminate jobs. Taxpayer dollars have to be administered by someone.

There simply are no other good options.

That's a strange thing for a rightie to say! Is the only reason why government in the land of the gun failing because there are too many jobs in government? Certainly the right is going to insist that it is always the main reason but even the most rabid of the right usually doesn't say it's the only reason!

Making government more efficient with the people you have and cutting wasteful spending could maybe work too don't you think. Learning how to make capitalism work by mixing in social reforms which work for the people is one of the main things that can make US government work as well as other world governments, federal or lower levels.

We should talk about it sometime when you're not so angry.
Yes, I hear Ahhhhnold is going after disabled single moms on fixed incomes just to make ends meet! Look out ladies, zeh tarrminator ist aahfta you..

God forbid if any of them should turn out to be journalists..what terrible PR!

But seriously, CA is in a mess and germans are so blind when it comes to kneejerk efficiency strategies. They tend to crunch logic in a crises at the expense of longterm strategies that work better. How do I know? I'm german...well mostly..:cool: Know thyself it is said.

I think they should just continue skimming the lottery to make up deficits in CA. But ahhhnold is probably just stirring up a fuss to get national attention so Uncle Sam will funnel some clams his, uh, I mean California's way...

In spite of his odd quirks and the fact that he is a republican by name, I still think he has handled his office pretty date..
Making government more efficient with the people you have and cutting wasteful spending could maybe work too don't you think. Learning how to make capitalism work by mixing in social reforms which work for the people is one of the main things that can make US government work as well as other world governments, federal or lower levels.

Wasteful spending is still spending on someone. You don't really believe money is administered by no one, do you?

And at any rate, if the government of California (hardly the "land of the gun" -- IIRC, the Brady Campaign gave them an A-) would be able to agree on cutting spending, this sort of maneuver would hardly be necessary.

BTW - you make gratuitious low blows against others on the basis of their nationality and/or statehood and then accuse them of being overburdened with anger? At any rate, in what way could I have posted the above post in a way that did not seem 'angry' to you?

But seriously, CA is in a mess and germans are so blind when it comes to kneejerk efficiency strategies. They tend to crunch logic in a crises at the expense of longterm strategies that work better. How do I know? I'm german...well mostly.. Know thyself it is said.

I thought Ahnold was an Austrian?
Wasteful spending is still spending on someone. You don't really believe money is administered by no one, do you?

And at any rate, if the government of California (hardly the "land of the gun" -- IIRC, the Brady Campaign gave them an A-) would be able to agree on cutting spending, this sort of maneuver would hardly be necessary.

BTW - you make gratuitious low blows against others on the basis of their nationality and/or statehood and then accuse them of being overburdened with anger? At any rate, in what way could I have posted the above post in a way that did not seem 'angry' to you?

I thought Ahnold was an Austrian?

When you say stupid things boy, you are going to be nailed for them. Never mind the longwinded harangue on me, just admit you screwed up again. And if you don't like to be corrected then maybe you shouldn't be doing this. You're really not very good at it anyway are you!

I make gratuitous low blows against people base on their statehood? What a joke! Maybe I should do it based on their countryhood. LOL
That's a strange thing for a rightie to say! Is the only reason why government in the land of the gun failing because there are too many jobs in government? Certainly the right is going to insist that it is always the main reason but even the most rabid of the right usually doesn't say it's the only reason!

Making government more efficient with the people you have and cutting wasteful spending could maybe work too don't you think. Learning how to make capitalism work by mixing in social reforms which work for the people is one of the main things that can make US government work as well as other world governments, federal or lower levels.

We should talk about it sometime when you're not so angry.

Do you label everyone angry when they make logical arguments?

Let's think this through real quick... The California government is broke. They have over spent by $15.2 billion. This is known as a "fact".

There are only two possible ways to clear this $15.2 Billion in missing funds. A: Increase taxes. B: Cut spending.

You claim the answer is to "mix capitalism with socialism", is that a fair assessment?

Well, prior to the Governator, becoming the left-wing Republican of California, they had record unemployment and a mass exodus of jobs out of the state, due in large part to taxes. So option "A" would likely cause the economy to drop in California, as well as end the Governators employment since the people of California elected him on the grounds of "no more taxes".

So we have option "B" left. Cutting spending. Now I find it ironic you advocate mixing in socialism, because um... the over spending... is socialism. It's because of social reforms that CAUSED the $15.2 Billion dollar crisis. So the only option is to end social reforms... by cutting those programs that blow public money on things they can't afford.

Now you claim they can make government more efficient. I agree, by cutting unneeded government jobs. What would you suggest? Saying they can save money with the people they have, when the people they have is what is costing the money... is just a tab ambiguous. What specifically do you suggest they do?
When you say stupid things boy, you are going to be nailed for them. Never mind the longwinded harangue on me, just admit you screwed up again. And if you don't like to be corrected then maybe you shouldn't be doing this. You're really not very good at it anyway are you!

I make gratuitous low blows against people base on their statehood? What a joke! Maybe I should do it based on their countryhood. LOL

But he didn't say anything stupid, nor did you "nail" anyone on it. Nor was it a 'harangue' on you. If anything he correctly pointed out that his well done post could not possibly have been less "angry" than it was. Stating the facts is just that. Like this:

You didn't respond to anything he pointed out.

That's just a fact. I'm not angry about it at all.

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