Schwarzenegger about Reagan and Greta Thunberg

Post #352 "Threat to democracy rally"
That was about Charlottesville. If I had said that about msg, I would proudly admit it.
On that thread alone you repeatedly called Trump a Nazi and a fascist and his supporters the same.
You keep claiming that but are never able to substantiate them. I have never done that. If you were right it would be easy for you to prove it like you miserably attempted to do so above. But you cannot.
You kept repeating the "Jews will not replace us" line as if Trump himself said that and implied that myself and others agreed with it. Every post invoked Hitler, Nazism and Fascism.
Never ever. Trump did not say that. I have repeatedly said that but you still say I claim that. You are dishonest.
You are a pathetic piece of shit human being who is not worth a discussion.
You are good at insults. Not so good at substantiating your many claims.
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He did engage in the Nazi rally. There are plenty of coverage on that.

If you were talking about Charlottesville then you are a liar. That was not a Trump rally. Trump was not even there. So what rally did he "engage in" that was a Nazi rally? All of them or just MSG?

We have a thread called threat to democracy where in every post you invoke Hitler, fascism and occasionally for variety Putin. You claim that Trump admires Hitler and loves Hitler but provide not one link or quote to back it up. This is a man who was elected president 2X.

It takes 5 IQ points to post what you do. You never provide facts or links. You insult the 77 million people who voted for him. Every one of them is smarter, more knowledgeable and a much better person than you.
I would love one of you demtards, demturds to explain how going green would not help Putin.

Russia is the world's 2nd largest exporter of oil, the largest exporter of gas and the third largest exporter of coal.

The CC agenda makes Russia more powerful because Europe and Central Asia will be more reliant on their energy.
If you were talking about Charlottesville then you are a liar. That was not a Trump rally. Trump was not even there. So what rally did he "engage in" that was a Nazi rally? All of them or just MSG?
I was likely taking about Charlottesville. I was not talking about msg since I was not even aware if it.

Trump was not at Charlottesville but he interjected himself royally. He engaged in Charlottesville, which imo was partly a Nazi rally.

We have a thread called threat to democracy where in every post you invoke Hitler, fascism and occasionally for variety Putin. You claim that Trump admires Hitler and loves Hitler but provide not one link or quote to back it up. This is a man who was elected president 2X.
His closest advisors among others say he admired Hitler.

It takes 5 IQ points to post what you do. You never provide facts or links.
Ask me to prove a claim I have made and I shall try.

You on the other hand cannot provide a quote in which I called your wife a Nazi but you keep making that claim.

You insult the 77 million people who voted for him. Every one of them is smarter, more knowledgeable and a much better person than you.
How would you even know that? You are clearly unstable, and at the end of your rope.
I would love one of you demtards, demturds to explain how going green would not help Putin.

Russia is the world's 2nd largest exporter of oil, the largest exporter of gas and the third largest exporter of coal.

The CC agenda makes Russia more powerful because Europe and Central Asia will be more reliant on their energy.
Have you ever asked yourself why the need to hurl insults ALL THE TIME?
So Joe Biden engaged in a Nazi rally then? So that makes him a Nazi.

He interjected himself royally. Lied that was the main reason he ran for president. Lied about the good people quote. Lies that he gives 2 shits about blacks and Jews. Lies a lot.

So anybody who had an opinion about Charlottesville could be called a Nazi because they engaged in a Nazi rally? Heather Heyer was a Nazi?

You are a fucking liar!!!! When you said Trump engaged in Nazi rally you meant that literally you lying pierce of shit!
On that thread alone you repeatedly called Trump a Nazi and a fascist and his supporters the same. You kept repeating the "Jews will not replace us" line as if Trump himself said that and implied that myself and others agreed with it. Every post invoked Hitler, Nazism and Fascism.
You claimed I called your wife a nazi. Never mind that I had no idea you had a wife.

An extreme illiterate comrade of yours was sucked into this. So he doubled downed for you but he too could not provide any quote from me saying that about your wife. Then a second poster thought maybe she could help. But that attempt fell flat too.

So the three of you tried and tried and failed. You were absolutely sure. The illiterate thing was 99% sure and the third poster… well she tried.

You have no shame or guilt? No conscience? No ethics? You guys give right wingers a bad name.
So Joe Biden engaged in a Nazi rally then? So that makes him a Nazi.
Maybe in your unstable mind.

Here in your claasical logic mistake:

I did not say A, therefore B.

I said: A and B.

Let’s see if you can figure the above out.

Furthermore: I did not say he is a nazi. I have said he caters to nazis.
So anybody who had an opinion about Charlottesville could be called a Nazi because they engaged in a Nazi rally? Heather Heyer was a Nazi?

“So”, no. Not anybody. And I have not called him a nazi. I have said he caters to nazis.

Yer really struggling, aren’t you?
You are a fucking liar!!!! When you said Trump engaged in Nazi rally you meant that literally you lying pierce of shit!
Of course I did. He interjected himself and called those nazis and white separatists “good people.” he caters to nazis.
Shitshizpants uses actual quotes from Hitler. He villainizes immigrants, nearly all of whom have come for the exact same reasons that most people have immigrated: for jobs and a better life, not to rob, rape, loot or terrorize Americans or to eat their pets.

Trump claimed that immigrants were POISONING THE BLOOD of Americans. He obviously does not understand that blood types are not tied to nationalities. There are four blood types: A, B, AB and O and each can be either Rh (for Rhesus factor) positive or negative, and all blood types can be found in Caucasians, Asians, Latin Americana and Africans. check out Red cross blood types for specific information on blood types.

No one is "poisoning anyone's blood" deliberately, as Shitshizpants ignorantly states. He des not know a damn thing about blood. But he does quote Hitler, and he does use Hitlerian tactics. His sorry ass belongs in prison.
The good people lie again. Already proven a lie.
It’s as simple as this: buncha of people were marching with torches, carrying nazi insignia and confederate flags, chanting “Jews will not replace us.” Were there any “good people” among them?
Starcastle and Mark Francis are both racist ignoramuses, hardcore Trumpuppets and not to be taken in any serious manner.
Anybody want to talk about climate change, the lies about environment?

Anybody think little retard Greta is "terrific"?
Anybody want to talk about climate change, the lies about environment?

Anybody think little retard Greta is "terrific"?
Wow! From the security of an anonymous poster you have the courage to call a child “retard.” You and yours must be proud!

If you ridicule her enough, maybe she would commit suicide and you and yours would be celebrating.