"Saving Our Economy"

The stock market is up because companies have gotten lean and mean by dumping employees. They dumped them becaus eof the leftwing-engineered 2008 crash, and they won't hire them back till obozo and his claque leave washington, because they can't tell from day to day when the next leftwing shoe will drop - new ecofascist policies? new taxes? new regulations?
stock market today
it was at 8,200 the day he took office

Job losses

To use the corrupt and compromised U.S. Stock Market as a barometer of the economic health of this country just shows the desperation of the leftists to find some sort of silver lining in Obama's disastrous economic policies.

The stock market is going to crash, and crash hard and fast. The only people who are investing in the stock market right now are the labor union thieves, the ignorant Jim Cramer-types, people who are locked in because of their 401Ks, and the scum-of-the-earth short-sellers, day traders, investment bank manipulators, and securities bundlers.

Buy silver. Silver has more than tripled in price in less than two years. Who else can claim that kind of legitimate return on their investment?
To use the corrupt and compromised U.S. Stock Market as a barometer of the economic health of this country just shows the desperation of the leftists to find some sort of silver lining in Obama's disastrous economic policies.

The stock market is going to crash, and crash hard and fast. The only people who are investing in the stock market right now are the labor union thieves, the ignorant Jim Cramer-types, people who are locked in because of their 401Ks, and the scum-of-the-earth short-sellers, day traders, investment bank manipulators, and securities bundlers.

Buy silver. Silver has more than tripled in price in less than two years. Who else can claim that kind of legitimate return on their investment?

I could care less about your gold and silver stuff, save your time

the stock market issue I pointed out due to the posts talking about the market. If Obama can be blamed for the stock market going down, then those same people must accept when it goes up...of course they often dont..its called republicanism.
obozo's budget defict versus previous deficits (as of 2010):


I know shocking...when given a econ tanking, tax rats cut at huge levels, banks just being bailed out, and the auto industry about to fail, and 8 years of no health care changes.....somehow there was a increase in debt.

Its funny...ok sad...republicans love to see the debt go up and cry spending...but always fail to look at the other part of Debt...Revenue...


When Bush was spending like a drunken sailor, and cutting revenues...I did not see much crying by republicans...

Funny when CLinton was in office...you see this thing where he raised taxes, cut spending...and...wait for it...wait for it....Boom Less spending AND lower taxes...lowered our debt...Till Republicans said wow...look jobs, and lower debt....lets do the reverse! Lets LOwer taxes, and Raise spending! and when its just about as screwed up as possible...turn it over and yell about why Dems don't do what they did.
I know shocking...when given a econ tanking

Thanks to dimwitted leftwing tampering with the housing market.

tax rats cut at huge levels

Just showing what an economics ***** you are - a vibrant economy needs huge taxes - right? :D

8 years of no health care changes

The rising health care costs are ALL due to (surprise surprise) irrational leftwing government policies, as I have carefully pointed out.

Its funny...ok sad...republicans love to see the debt go up and cry spending...but always fail to look at the other part of Debt...Revenue...

You know why? BECAUSe NO AMOUNT of MONEY is EVER enough for leftwing f__Ks - the more that's available, the more you spend. WHEN have leftwingers ever said "let's use revenue to retire the debt."? :D

When Bush was spending like a drunken sailor, and cutting revenues...I did not see much crying by republicans...

You were deaf - conservatives complained about RINO Bush spending the whole time.

Funny when CLinton was in office...you see this thing where he raised taxes, cut spending...

Once again, the stupidest myth out there, puked up. :rolleyes: The House of representatives, where spending bills originate, was controlled for six of eight years of Bubba's presidency - THAT'S what stopped the spending. The president doesn't set taxes einstein - congress does.
What is this? History class? As usual, history is written in the eyes of the beholder.

Setting aside history for a moment, unemployment is starting to gradually fall, housing prices are starting to stabilize and major corporations are modestly profitable. We are on a precarious climb out of the recession. I would rather see a slow climb upward. No more bubbles, please.

It is no secret that the Democrat's primary focus is on assisting the low and middle class. Most of the time this is via government spending and "wealth redistribution". The Republicans are focused on keeping banks and business healthy because these are the drivers that grow the economy. To keep business healthy, Republicans believe taxes must be low.

I've seen this movie before. I like to watch the exciting parts, like booms and popping bubbles. But the plot is weak. I hope the sequel will be a little more inspiring.
The usual inaccurate graphs, typical of leftist propaganda, showing imagined budget "surpluses" during the Clinton administration.

When the budget is balanced, the National Debt does not go up for that year. When there's a surplus, it actually goes down.


In every fiscal year since 1958, the National Debt has gone UP. Including every year of the Clinton Adminstration (and every other administration in living memory). The budget has never been balanced (or surplus) in all that time. We've run deficits in every year, without exception.

Nice try.

What else did your graphs get wrong?
What is this? History class? As usual, history is written in the eyes of the beholder.

Setting aside history for a moment, unemployment is starting to gradually fall, housing prices are starting to stabilize and major corporations are modestly profitable. We are on a precarious climb out of the recession. I would rather see a slow climb upward. No more bubbles, please.

It is no secret that the Democrat's primary focus is on assisting the low and middle class. Most of the time this is via government spending and "wealth redistribution". The Republicans are focused on keeping banks and business healthy because these are the drivers that grow the economy. To keep business healthy, Republicans believe taxes must be low.

I've seen this movie before. I like to watch the exciting parts, like booms and popping bubbles. But the plot is weak. I hope the sequel will be a little more inspiring.

unemployment is largely unchanged and there are fewer people working as a percentage since the 80s.

housing has yet to hit bottom and nobody is willing to say when it will.

companies are showing well by cutting rather than growing.

and JFK also believed taxes should be low. he a DNO ?
unemployment is largely unchanged and there are fewer people working as a percentage since the 80s.

housing has yet to hit bottom and nobody is willing to say when it will.

companies are showing well by cutting rather than growing.

and JFK also believed taxes should be low. he a DNO ?

if we raised taxes back to Clinton era levels they would be lower then under JFK.

"Saving Our Economy"​

I wrote this last November, a week after the election, after seeing the videos on Youtube. The history it describes, is just as true now as it was then, and just as true as when it happened over the span of the last 30 years or so.

Once we get through the obligatory "Fox News always lies" hysteria from the usual suspects, these events of the past are very much worth discussing.


Have you seen the Special Report composed by Fox News, on the financial crisis? It's a hour-long show, and been broadcast several times. Someone has put it on YouTube, in six segments. Fox calls it "Saving Our Economy". Go to YouTube and do a search on that title, and you should get all six segments. They vary from 5 to 10 minutes each, about 45 minutes running time total (no commercials).

It's a GREAT explanation of
how the crisis started, who did what, what the results were, etc. A real must-see.

Here's a summary: 7043[1].gif

Money, Power and Wall Street

See: 4:40 - 12:00

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