Dang! I really stirred up a hornet's nest by daring to say that Sarah Palin was really no different from other politicians, didn't I?
Are her supporters really like the Obama supporters who swoon over their most favored candidate and think he is somehow above the rest of the political crowd?
Sure, FF, when a pol goes to the war zone, there are cameras all over the place. That's the same thing I said: It's a photo op. Why else would they go?
And, why wouldn't she wear a tee shirt? What did you expect, an evening gown in a war zone?
Yes, Andy, I can see you think she is kind of cute, just like Obama's supporters think he is kind of cute, and therefore should be president. The left doesn't hate her, at least I don't think they do. Maybe I'll ask the next leftist I meet whether he/she hates Palin. They don't agree with her politics particularly, but, no one expects them to.
And, NoObamanation, don't you really know who Voldemort is? He is the essence of evil in the Harry Potter novels. My sig line is a joke that isn't funny if it has to be explained. I don't think he has been to Iraq, but, then, he has magical powers, so maybe he has.![]()
EVERY time a politician goes to a war zone to visit the troops, cameras are ALL OVER THE PLACE! It's been that way since the Civil War, and it's going to be that way until the end of time.
No when McCain goes there. Only Obama gets that kind of coverage...![]()
Check out this video of Sarah Palin with our arm forces in Kuwait shooting a rifle!!
This was in 2007, she had no idea then of what was going to happen in September 2008...
This chick had the cojones to go to the middle east and hang out with our boyz, just like any other soldier... Unlike Obama who was pushed by McCain and his critics...
check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn7UzxXv8p4
I believe you have mate, so allow me to explain.
Sarah Palin, as Governor of Alaska, is the Commanding Officer of the Alaska National Guard, when they're not under Title 10 Authorization (on Active Duty). She went to visit not only her constituants, but her troops, in order to make sure that they had everything that they needed in order to be able to accomplish their mission, and if they didn't, to use her Executive authority to make damned sure that they DID get it.
Every Governor that I'm aware of has made at least one trip to the war zone for the exact same reason, because it's their duty to do so, and as a Veteran, I'm sure that you're aware of what Duty means.
Hope that clears it up for you.
On the "political" side of the equation, please note that she went over as soon after she was elected Governor as possible, instead of waiting for a "convenient" time.
One other thing to note, listen to the audio where her instructor says "you're hitting pretty close to dead center". Ya just gotta love it when a Governor, and a Lady Governor at that (as the Commander of the National Guard), not only knows how to fire a weapon, but to do so EFFECTIVELY!!!
She is someone to admire. I would like to be more like her, myself![]()
It looked like she was in an indoor range and shooting a rifle with a scope on it. No wonder she was near dead center, besides she has hunting experience. She already knows how to shoot a rifle. One thing though, I don't think a pig, even a pig with lipstick could do any better!
Maybe she should run for office in the NRA and not the U.S. government.
Oh stop it, you're just embarassed that she's more of a man than you'll ever live to be.
What a comeback! But you might be correct, she might be one hell of a man. Does that thought turn you on?
What a comeback! But you might be correct, she might be one hell of a man. Does that thought turn you on?
I thought democrats wanted to talk issues?
Hm... I didn't realize that. Why are we bringing it up now, then?
I didn't set out to slam Palin per se, but to simply point out that going into Iraq and posing for cameras is what politicians do in order to polish their images. Democrats do it, so do Republicans. It is not a partisan issue.
Don't you just love how the liberal press simply ignored McCain's trip to the Middle East?
Well, except for this:
And this: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=4459769
and this: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/03/16/iraq/main3941689.shtml
And the pictures I saw on CNN, you know, the liberal Clinton News Network, that never covers Republican candidates.
Senator John McCain's trip to Iraq last spring was a low-key affair: With his ordinary retinue of reporters following him abroad, the NBC News anchor Brian Williams reported on his arrival in Baghdad from New York, with just two sentences tacked onto the "in other political news" portion of his newscast.
But when Obama heads for Iraq and other locations overseas this summer, Williams is planning to catch up with him in person, as are the other two evening news anchors, Charles Gibson of ABC and Katie Couric of CBS, who, like Williams, are far along in discussions to interview Obama on successive nights.
And while the anchors are jockeying for interviews with Obama at stops along his route, the regulars on the Obama campaign plane will have new seat mates: star political reporters from the major newspapers and magazines who are flocking to catch Obama's first overseas trip since becoming the presumptive nominee of his party.
The extraordinary coverage of Obama's trip reflects how the candidate remains an object of fascination in the news media...
The imbalance has appeared in various analyses of the news coverage. The Tyndall Report, a news coverage monitoring service that has the broadcast networks as clients, reports that three newscasts by the traditional networks — which have a combined audience of more than 20 million people — spent 114 minutes covering Obama since June; they spent 48 minutes covering McCain.
As for the heavy coverage planned for Obama's upcoming trip, news executives said in interviews that, once again, the Democratic candidate was potentially benefiting from being a newer, untested politician. To that end, his first visit overseas since becoming the party's presumptive nominee would be an opportunity for voters to see how Obama handles one of their major concerns: his ability to handle national security matters and foreign affairs.