Sanity Reigns ..... Down Under

Barack will be history in a couple years. Unfortunately, it's the entire Democrat party that enables this left wing insanity, not just this President. Every Democrat voter, every entity of the mainstream media, every leftist judge, and the majority of the Teacher's union is a threat to our nation! The left owns politics, the propaganda media, the courts, and the schools. The kid gloves of the Conservative right must come off!!!
Don't forget to include the RINO Republicans. And, as long as Congress makes it acceptable for the regime to target it's political opponents conservatives are at a loss.
I am not sure how this is related to down under. We have a Conservative Prime Minister who just visited the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. They both are against taking measures against global warming or even mentioning at conferences.

Today our Prime Minister Tony Abbott is in Washington and will meet Obama. We he be able to top Obama talking about Climate change?
I am not sure how this is related to down under. We have a Conservative Prime Minister who just visited the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. They both are against taking measures against global warming or even mentioning at conferences.

Today our Prime Minister Tony Abbott is in Washington and will meet Obama. We he be able to top Obama talking about Climate change?
If Tony Abbott uses any common sense at all he will blow Obama out of the water.

The reason this is relevant to "down under" is because you have Tony Abbott teaming up with other country leaders in an effort to stop Obama and his efforts with the global warming hoax.

Obama's whacko leftist ideologies on the global warming hoax will not solely effect Americans but, other countries as well and these leaders know this!
I am not sure that Tony Abbott is a global climate sceptic. He does have a mild programme to persuade business to stop using fossil fuels . HOWEVER HE WILL REPEAL THE CARBON TAX AND WILL NOT PENALISE THOSE WHO CONTINUE POLLUTION.
I am not sure that Tony Abbott is a global climate sceptic. He does have a mild programme to persuade business to stop using fossil fuels . HOWEVER HE WILL REPEAL THE CARBON TAX AND WILL NOT PENALISE THOSE WHO CONTINUE POLLUTION.

No offense Aus but, I find it hilarious that Tony Abbott's common sense approach to the global warming hoax is totally freaking out our global warming alarmist friends ...............
I am not sure that Tony Abbott is a global climate sceptic. He does have a mild programme to persuade business to stop using fossil fuels . HOWEVER HE WILL REPEAL THE CARBON TAX AND WILL NOT PENALISE THOSE WHO CONTINUE POLLUTION.
Trying to limit the need to import oil makes sense economically. Ditching the carbon tax aids the economy and says co2 is mot a problem.
Just common sense. Good for Abbot.
Well Abbott defended his policy in his meeting with Obama. I doubt if either would change. At least they agree in gun control.
Right ....

Sanity is probably just temporary down under. Australia is still a "socialist" country. Nothing really sane about whacko leftist!
I can understand aussie citizens buying wrapons confication, unless im ignirant of the history, there was no protection ala our 2nd amendment.
But when a president who swore to protect and defend the constitution and whose intent has been confirmed by the scotus starts talking it up.... thats as scary as throwing out free speech being talked up) freedom of press and religion (also being talked up).....
see a trend ?
See the problem ?
I can understand aussie citizens buying wrapons confication, unless im ignirant of the history, there was no protection ala our 2nd amendment.
But when a president who swore to protect and defend the constitution and whose intent has been confirmed by the scotus starts talking it up.... thats as scary as throwing out free speech being talked up) freedom of press and religion (also being talked up).....
see a trend ?
See the problem ?
Well aware of it.
dogtower, and Texas it is true that the Australian Constitution does not have any second amendment allowing gun ownership .Our Constitution was drafter in 1901 long after Militias were common. By the way a referendum to change it to been in Freedom of Religion have been defeated. Being the birthplace of Murdoch we are not keen of freedom of press either. We are opposed to monopolies.
Gun control was introduce by the Liberal PM Howard after our last mass shooting, Port Arthur. Both parties support this but we are divided on methods to combat climate change.

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