Russian/Ukraine rebels likley shoot down civilan plane 295

Let us all forget that in 2001, the Ukrainian armed forces shot down a Siberian airlines passenger plane.

No howls of outrage then of course.
No proof yet that

a) it was shot down, just the US intel's word for it, which as Edward Snowden has shown, is worth nothing

b) if, it was shot down, either the Ukraine, or the separatists, or Russia did it

c) if it was the separatists, that the Russian governement or military knew about it

Remember, that the citizens of eastern Ukraine were deprived of their lawfully elected govermment by a coup, funded and supported by the US, and are fighying to get rid of the fascist bully boys, and their blackwater mercenaries to achieve self determination.

As we all know, the US supports self-determination of provinces of nations - just look at Kosovo..

WARNING : False flag operation supported by lickspittle corporate media.

You are all being fooled

Who benefits ???

Comrade Stalin
First no it was not confirmed when you posted, nor was it confirmed who fired. It was likely it was not confirmed.

The Reset...he tried...Then Putin came back into power...You can't force them to not be assholes.. Welcome to the real world

2nd, Russia is still not the biggest threat , its a current flare up. Smart people know this. The real areas are the Middle east and South china sea...that was true then and is true today.

OOOo he did not put your toy missiles in East EU...guess what that was the recommendation of the Military and Republican Robert Gates...It was backed by Israel and NATO. That missiles Defense system was also not for Russia as Russia would over power it with ease it was aimed at Iran. The crises in Ukraine actuly has nothing do with the US...I know that's hard for you but not every world event has jack to do with what the US wants and does..."Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended to Obama was not only cheaper, but the sea-based missiles could be more easily and quickly produced." and in the words of Gates...the Russians where more pissed about this move. But why don't you go bitch to Gates you know more then him little man.
( what you see there is something called posting the source info...its a thing people who are not full of shit do.)

as for Iraq again get smarter and get clue...Iraq is a mess because of 1400 years of fighting, A poor goverment of Iraq, and because your dumb ass Bush invaded it and had no clue what the hell he was doing. The US troops left under a Deal made by BUSH , and because we where not allowed to stay...But tell me what you would have done little troll? Nothing because you are nothing.

Made out allies mad because he did not take action in Lybia and Syria and Russia ? what fucking planet at you on ? We bombed Lybia and did offer support...YOu and Republicans bitched like little girls. He was going Bomb Syria...You idiots bitched and cried about him doing it, and Republicans Failed to vote to authorize strikes...Not obama...But nooo you wanted him to do it so you could then bitch he went above his authority so you could bitch about that as well.

Edited for content

You lack facts and can't even keep track of your own stupid positions.
Last edited by a moderator:
Badly written rambling rant, full of insults and ad hominen attacks.

You appear to be badly out of your depth.

This is not the pocket I remember from the Golden Days of the 2003 invasion.

Do better.

Comrade Stalin
Stalin, The facts may not be out when you wrote but they are out now. Pro Russia rebels fired the missile. How much support that got from Russia is debatable but they did supply the weapon. I have said elsewhere Russia has complaints bout the west encirclement but this does not justify killing so many innocent lives.
First no it was not confirmed when you posted, nor was it confirmed who fired. It was likely it was not confirmed.

The Reset...he tried...Then Putin came back into power...You can't force them to not be assholes.. Welcome to the real world

2nd, Russia is still not the biggest threat , its a current flare up. Smart people know this. The real areas are the Middle east and South china sea...that was true then and is true today.

OOOo he did not put your toy missiles in East EU...guess what that was the recommendation of the Military and Republican Robert Gates...It was backed by Israel and NATO. That missiles Defense system was also not for Russia as Russia would over power it with ease it was aimed at Iran. The crises in Ukraine actuly has nothing do with the US...I know that's hard for you but not every world event has jack to do with what the US wants and does..."Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended to Obama was not only cheaper, but the sea-based missiles could be more easily and quickly produced." and in the words of Gates...the Russians where more pissed about this move. But why don't you go bitch to Gates you know more then him little man.
( what you see there is something called posting the source info...its a thing people who are not full of shit do.)

as for Iraq again get smarter and get clue...Iraq is a mess because of 1400 years of fighting, A poor goverment of Iraq, and because your dumb ass Bush invaded it and had no clue what the hell he was doing. The US troops left under a Deal made by BUSH , and because we where not allowed to stay...But tell me what you would have done little troll? Nothing because you are nothing.

Made out allies mad because he did not take action in Lybia and Syria and Russia ? what fucking planet at you on ? We bombed Lybia and did offer support...YOu and Republicans bitched like little girls. He was going Bomb Syria...You idiots bitched and cried about him doing it, and Republicans Failed to vote to authorize strikes...Not obama...But nooo you wanted him to do it so you could then bitch he went above his authority so you could bitch about that as well.

Your a worthless nothing, you have no clue what the hell your talking about. You lack facts and can't even keep track of your own stupid positions.

So, tell me ... is the sky blue in that alternate universe you live in? The errors in facts, and the complete incompetence in assessing even the falsehoods you have written, continue to amaze ..
OK - you want to play? Let's play ... (God, I hate wasting time on ideological idiots)

The Reset...he tried...Then Putin came back into power...You can't force them to not be assholes.. Welcome to the real world

Putin was never out of power ... Medvedev was Putin's lackey. Obama didn't 'press the reset'. He capitulated.

2nd, Russia is still not the biggest threat , its a current flare up. Smart people know this. The real areas are the Middle east and South china sea...that was true then and is true today.

So ludicrous it's not even worth comment.

OOOo he did not put your toy missiles in East EU...guess what that was the recommendation of the Military and Republican Robert Gates...It was backed by Israel and NATO. That missiles Defense system was also not for Russia as Russia would over power it with ease it was aimed at Iran. The crises in Ukraine actuly has nothing do with the US...I know that's hard for you but not every world event has jack to do with what the US wants and does..."Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended to Obama was not only cheaper, but the sea-based missiles could be more easily and quickly produced." and in the words of Gates...the Russians where more pissed about this move. But why don't you go bitch to Gates you know more then him little man.
( what you see there is something called posting the source info...its a thing people who are not full of shit do.)

The missiles scheduled to be placed in Poland were dual-purposed. They were intended to act as a deterrent to both Russia and Iran. Of course, they were never intended to stop an actionable event from either dead in its tracks, but rather, they represent the second of four layers of protection - their purpose was to slow any advance, not stop it. It's called a delaying action - giving NATO the time to reposition assets to respond. This is done because it is not financially feasible (you need the money to buy votes with) to have two separate prepositioned force structures. But, let's keep in mind, it isn't JUST about missiles in Poland ... but you probably didn't know that, did you? Do your research ... look into repositioning of US troops in Germany and Turkey, as well as movement of NATO allies troops to Czech Republic, Poland, and the Belarus border.

Oh, by the way ....

as for Iraq again get smarter and get clue...Iraq is a mess because of 1400 years of fighting, A poor goverment of Iraq, and because your dumb ass Bush invaded it and had no clue what the hell he was doing. The US troops left under a Deal made by BUSH , and because we where not allowed to stay...But tell me what you would have done little troll? Nothing because you are nothing.

The ability to distort history never ceases to amaze me .... "the poor goverment [sic] of Iraq" ... you do remember that Saddam had killed about 3 million people, right? To include the use of WMDs against his own citizenry? Invaded a neighboring country, right? Started a war with Iran that lasted 8 years, and used WMDs on a mass sweep that virtually killed every man, woman, and child (including his own troops) on the Iranian border? Stole from the Food for Oil project intended to help his people, right?

Bombed Libya? Seriously? You do remember that Obama had to practically be forced in participating in the 2011 bombing by other states, thru a UN resolution and an insistence by England, France, and Canada that the US participate? Don't even try to give some indication the Obama led that effort -- that is just plain not true. In fact, if you do your research, you'll find our participation was basically limited to bombardments consisting of 923 off-shore launched munitions.

You conveniently forget Obama's promise to support any group in the Middle East who wanted to overthrow tyranny and dictatorships. Yet - when the time came to back the rebels in Libya, Obama was silent ... they went forward based on Obama's promises and were deserted. That left a power vacuum filled by the Islamic militants, primarily the Muslim Brotherhood.

Then ... he does the exact same thing in Syria ... makes a lot of promises, and doesn't deliver. He had full authority to support the dissidents with weapons and funding, but instead, he doesn't make the decision ... he tries to get somebody else to blame. When other countries and Congress object to DIRECT intervention, he backs off his promise.

But, you probably forgot all that, huh?
Made out allies mad because he did not take action in Lybia and Syria and Russia ? what fucking planet at you on ? We bombed Lybia and did offer support...YOu and Republicans bitched like little girls. He was going Bomb Syria...You idiots bitched and cried about him doing it, and Republicans Failed to vote to authorize strikes...Not obama...But nooo you wanted him to do it so you could then bitch he went above his authority so you could bitch about that as well.

But tell me what you would have done little troll? Nothing because you are nothing.Your a worthless nothing, you have no clue what the hell your talking about. You lack facts and can't even keep track of your own stupid positions.

I have consistently presented what I believe to be a proper course of action, and have included alternatives. Each of these has been met by complete silence from you. Well, except for childish ad hominem (look it up - attacks.

I find your personal attacks offensive and churlish (look it up -, but I expect nothing better. When lacking substantive (look it up - www. commentary, you resort to boorish (look it up - www. and childish grade school playground personal attacks.

I expect nothing better from you, but I AM extremely disappointed that the moderators here seem so intimidated by your predatory (look it up - antics, and I intend to make sure that, beginning today, each instance will be pointed out. Either, grow up and participate in intelligent (look it up - discussion, or get the fuck out.
Rebels? You mean like the rebels that took over the Crimea?

The rebels are nothing more than a wing of Putin's army. It's as bogus as the Hamas tools fighting a proxy war for Iran.
Gee.. anyone remember Kosovo when the plucky locals defied Serbia and the US supported the Government of Serbia and condemned the rebels in Kosovo wait..NATO bombed Serbia

Cant have it both ways

Comrade Stalin
Corporate and military snowjobs are not proof.

And even if it were true, the equipment is obsolete and does not mention the alleged BUK system.

Sorry. Too bad. Do better.

Why is it inconceivable that the illegal Ukranian Thug Government ran a false flag operation.

Comrade Stalin