This is very strange. Russian spies caught spying on the USA.
Why would they spy when communists already run the Dem party, the Fed Govt, the courts, the schools, Hollywood, the press, etc.
I guess commies are never satisfied in their lust for power and control.
Well because this is America Far Right Fascists, Joe McCarthy, Druggie Limbaugh and you are entitled to your own opinion.
But even more fortunately for The United States of America none of you are entitled to your own facts.
I say kudos to our Federal National Security Agencies for any spy arrest and applaud the Obama administration for what is being hailed as a great spy trade definitely to our advantage. A group of low end Russian sleeper spy's in the US for some big time high raking Russian double agents. Take that deal anytime.
I'll say what I always say to you Gip. Quit betting against America... you lose every time.