RUSH!! was just BRILLIANT, on FOX NEWS Sunday!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Yes, I watched the Brilliant , Courageous,and Wealthy Rush Limbaugh on FOX NEWS SUNDAY . In his customary way he explained just how pathetic our manchild president really is . Listening to RUSH one understands why his words of wisdom ,spoken over his GOLDEN Microphone at E.I.B., inspire millions of Americans .His tremendous knowledge of our Conservative Heritage and his ability to know and tell what the radical leftist, fascist , socialist , terrorist are thinking and planning is not just uncanny but borders on the Supernatural. Rush gives us confidence as he tells how the American Voters are going to REBEL in 2010 and vote CONSERVATIVE!!! VOTE their PRINCIPLES. Throw out all the obama weaklings be they (r) , (d) , or (i)!

NEVER AGAIN AMERICA will we drop our guard and place in our HIGHEST OFFICE an unfit individual who has surrounded himself with equally unfit associates and haters of THE AMERICA our FOUNDLING FATHERS left in our care! GOD BLESS YOU RUSH and GOD BLESS AMERICA!_ forgive us for what we did not do in 2008- WE DID NOT THINK!!WE BLINKED! NOW THINGS STINK!

It was disclosed by Chris Wallace that Rush will earn $400,000,000 from his radio program over the next eight years. His TALENT is worth much more . America will be saved due to PATRIOTS like Rush and his Conservative partners on TALK RADIO and FOX NEWS! RUSH YOU are a bargain!
Yes, I watched the Brilliant , Courageous,and Wealthy Rush Limbaugh on FOX NEWS SUNDAY . In his customary way he explained just how pathetic our manchild president really is . Listening to RUSH one understands why his words of wisdom ,spoken over his GOLDEN Microphone at E.I.B., inspire millions of Americans .His tremendous knowledge of our Conservative Heritage and his ability to know and tell what the radical leftist, fascist , socialist , terrorist are thinking and planning is not just uncanny but borders on the Supernatural. Rush gives us confidence as he tells how the American Voters are going to REBEL in 2010 and vote CONSERVATIVE!!! VOTE their PRINCIPLES. Throw out all the obama weaklings be they (r) , (d) , or (i)!
NEVER AGAIN AMERICA will we drop our guard and place in our HIGHEST OFFICE an unfit individual who has surrounded himself with equally unfit associates and haters of THE AMERICA our FOUNDLING FATHERS left in our care! GOD BLESS YOU RUSH and GOD BLESS AMERICA!_ forgive us for what we did not do in 2008- WE DID NOT THINK!!WE BLINKED! NOW THINGS STINK!

It was disclosed by Chris Wallace that Rush will earn $400,000,000 from his radio program over the next eight years. His TALENT is worth much more . America will be saved due to PATRIOTS like Rush and his Conservative partners on TALK RADIO and FOX NEWS! RUSH YOU are a bargain!

Yep...compared to your I.Q., Rush Limbaugh's is just a fraction above that...

I'll say this for what you are able to find something to stay focused on

There was an interesting article in Newsweek about what is needed to resurrect the Republican party. See David Frum, "How the GOP Can Rise Again," Newsweek (January 26, 2009). Conservatives who listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh would do better to hear someone with real brains.
There was an interesting article in Newsweek about what is needed to resurrect the Republican party. See David Frum, "How the GOP Can Rise Again," Newsweek (January 26, 2009). Conservatives who listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh would do better to hear someone with real brains.
....Even WHILE the Delusions continue????


"Now, obviously, there are times when divisions in parties can be damaging. But what's happening in the GOP right now looks to me more like healthy turmoil than destructive recklessness, more like vigorous competition than bitter fratricide."

"NEVER AGAIN AMERICA will we drop our guard and place in our HIGHEST OFFICE an unfit individual who has surrounded himself with equally unfit associates and haters of THE AMERICA our FOUNDLING FATHERS left in our care!"

So what you're saying is, there will never be another Republican elected like George W. Bush. You remember him, the worst president in our nation's history. The lazy, incompetent twit that actually started a needless war that's killed over 5,000 Americans.
I love Fox News, I love Rush, and I love how the Left hates them both.

Now lefties, repeat after me...

I love Fox, I love Rush, I love Capitalism...and make sure to put your hand on your heart like our President fails to do during the National Anthem.

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