Well-Known Member
I know where you stand on abortion already, but what about polygamy? I'm assuming contra...
Have you been following the Warren Jeffs trial? What a scumbag!
I don't think the government has a right to tell you how many people you can be married to. And the First Amendment to the United States Constitution says that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
There are some groups who for what ever reason think they cannot get to heaven without plural marriage. I don't personally believe that but they do. FLDS believe this and cannot practice it.
Yes I have followed the trial and I am glad he is arrested and convicted and I hope he gets life. One of his victims lives here in Oregon and wrote a book called stolen innocence, it was very good and enlightening.
Not all people who believe in or wish to participate in polygamy are in cults or want to "do it with kids" thats like saying all homosexual men want to wear girls panties