Right-wing party second in Dutch EU vote


Active Member
Oct 10, 2008
Right-wing party second in Dutch EU vote

The poll predicts the Freedom Party of Geert Wilders will capture more than 15 percent of votes and win four of the 25 Dutch seats in parliament.

Over in the Netherlands, exit polls show a Dutch anti-immigration party made gains on Thursday on the first day of European Parliament elections.

The poll predicts the Freedom Party of Geert Wilders will capture more than 15 percent of votes and win four of the 25 Dutch seats in parliament.

That would be just one seat behind the Christian Democrats of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende.

The exit poll supports pre-vote predictions that right-wing and fringe parties will likely make gains in many countries.

Especially in areas where voters are disillusioned by the economic downturn and cynicism over the union’s eastward expansion.

Meanwhile, in Britain, where local council elections are also underway, voters got a chance to express their fury over a scandal involving the expense accounts of lawmakers.


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