Retarded Sheila Jackson Lee says that the Moon is made up of gases

It is not called "combustion", as you have admitted.
Chlorine itself is not flammable but it will support combustion, as it is a very reactive oxidizing agent. Thus Chlorine can support combustion just as Oxygen can support combustion. LOL you just failed rocket science 101 which I took before preschool
AGAIN, it s not called combustion. You are a true dolt.
Again Chlorine and Oxygen are both not flammable but both support combustion. I am sorry but at this juncture you will be removed from first grade.

ABSTRACTMost of natural materials contain traces of chlorine and it enters also to the combustion process. Chlorine products ofcombustions are usually inorganic hydrogen chloride vapors and chloride salts, nevertheless smaller amount of organicchlorine compounds are formed. Simpler of these organic compounds can act as greenhouse and ozone depleting gases; morecomplex compounds are directly dangerous for their mutagenity or extreme toxity like so called dioxines. Non-fossil naturalmaterials and fuels derived of them can contain more chlorine than common coal. From the published research studies isevident that the formation of organochlorine compounds is limited to the temperature range 300-800 °C. At the highertemperatures, these compounds are destroyed. In the stage of flue gas cooling some chlorine may be by a "de novo" synthesisintroduced to the organic form. Well-controlled combustion of alternative fuels need not contribute to the increase of amountof emissions of dangerous chlorine compounds. In our research were moreover studied the fuels with lower chlorine content.The experimental tests of the emissions from large-scale industrial fluid bed boiler indicated that substitution of largepercentage of coal by alternative fuels had no significant effect.
Jabber, jabber, jabber.
LOL everyone sees it my way

Again Chlorine and Oxygen are both not flammable but both support combustion. I am sorry but at this juncture you will be removed from first grade.

ABSTRACTMost of natural materials contain traces of chlorine and it enters also to the combustion process. Chlorine products ofcombustions are usually inorganic hydrogen chloride vapors and chloride salts, nevertheless smaller amount of organicchlorine compounds are formed. Simpler of these organic compounds can act as greenhouse and ozone depleting gases; morecomplex compounds are directly dangerous for their mutagenity or extreme toxity like so called dioxines. Non-fossil naturalmaterials and fuels derived of them can contain more chlorine than common coal. From the published research studies isevident that the formation of organochlorine compounds is limited to the temperature range 300-800 °C. At the highertemperatures, these compounds are destroyed. In the stage of flue gas cooling some chlorine may be by a "de novo" synthesisintroduced to the organic form. Well-controlled combustion of alternative fuels need not contribute to the increase of amountof emissions of dangerous chlorine compounds. In our research were moreover studied the fuels with lower chlorine content.The experimental tests of the emissions from large-scale industrial fluid bed boiler indicated that substitution of largepercentage of coal by alternative fuels had no significant effect.
I can find very little about Lee's education except it says she went to Yale and 'earned' a BA and then university of Virginia for a Doctor of jurisprudence which is nothing more than an entry level course for someone planning on going into law school. Clearly she didn't learn much or if she did learn something it was 'how to bullshit your constituency'. I'm nearly sure harvard and Yale have those courses now but not under those titles.
I can find very little about Lee's education except it says she went to Yale and 'earned' a BA and then university of Virginia for a Doctor of jurisprudence which is nothing more than an entry level course for someone planning on going into law school. Clearly she didn't learn much or if she did learn something it was 'how to bullshit your constituency'. I'm nearly sure harvard and Yale have those courses now but not under those titles.
Harvard and Yale graduate Hamas members and crack addicts who know that the dark side of the moon is made of gases every year
