Republican Senator David Vittor on DC madam's list

Stand by it all you want -- it doesn't make it any less stupid. It is no less illegal, immoral, and unethical for a liberal who doesn't care about family values (thanks for conceding that, BTW) to solicit a prostitute and cheat on his wife than it is for a conservative who does care about family values. Personal beliefs do not get you an exemption from such things.

Disregarding your snide remarks I conceded nothing other than point out that Republican's like Vitter expect Democrats to be that way, while pointing out that they themselves are different...until they are caught.

The whole idea behind the family values campaign, by the way, is that behavior like Vitter's is, in most cases, the consequence not of personal defects (which is what you're suggesting) but of external social pressures that have to be cracked down upon -- pornography, a highly sexualized entertainment industry, etc. I don't know how you got it into your head that his professed faith in the strengths of a virtuous society somehow means he is able to act as if he lived in one; mocking him for not living up to those standards is like mocking a gun control advocate for trying to kill himself with a shotgun.

I disagree. The whole idea behind the "family values" campaign is to force the public to conform to a conservative religious version of how families should look and behave. They have every right to live that way but stay out of mine. Judge and be judged.
Disregarding your snide remarks I conceded nothing other than point out that Republican's like Vitter expect Democrats to be that way, while pointing out that they themselves are different...until they are caught.

It's pretty clear at this point that Republicans expect everyone not to solicit prostitutes and cheat on their wives, Vitter included, which is why the Republican party of Louisiana is agitating for his resignation.

I disagree. The whole idea behind the "family values" campaign is to force the public to conform to a conservative religious version of how families should look and behave. They have every right to live that way but stay out of mine. Judge and be judged.

If you're going to indulge in silly caricatures of every issue, how can I be expected to debate you? Does the left even have an ounce of intellectual seriousness remaining?
Sen.Vittor involved in forced prositution+Druds+minors in Rapides Parish!

I have strong undeniable audio evidence that Senator David Vittor’s office has intentionally withheld sending evidence about the Mayor of Ball and the Chief of Police of Ball being involved in forcing prostitution and meth on vulnerable women in Alexandria, Louisiana. Several witnesses to these same men along with the Mayor of Alexandria involved in child endangerment and religious hate crimes agaist pastors tring to help. I am a pastor who the grandmother of the eight year old girl asked me to help her. I made 911 calls over a year ago to Alexandria police. I have also contacted the F.B.I. in Alex., Monroe, New Orleans and Senator Joe McPherson. I believe I easily have enough audio tape to bring criminal charges against Senator David Vittor. If anyone can help me force an investigation to help this family I will support your effort with as much information as possible. I do not have any personal agenda against Republicans or Democrats but I cannot allow this type of sick political corruption to take place without doing everything I can to expose the truth. So that you know I am sincere here is my personal info. I can be contacted (318)359-9973 leave message and number if you can assist We can provide many witnesses of abuse. Please help us, thank you.