Well-Known Member
This is where we will find ourselves in complete disagreement... at least as far as ignoring terrorism. You reference criminals with guns posing a threat to our safety later in the post, I would like to ask if we should ignore them, or perhaps ignore other, more petty, offenses against our rights. Should we ignore the actions of muggers simply because the odds of our being mugged are so slim? If you truly are applying rational thought, then you would have to conclude that ignoring an act of violence because of its statistical insignificance will only cause, in some ways encourage, the behavior to become more prevalent since there is nothing to retard it.both of these problems can be safely ignored
My first, and perhaps only, statement in the original thread regarding this topic was a firm rejection of allowing government to violate our rights under the pretense of protecting our rights (or filling our needs).So why is there any reason to violate our civil liberties (or for that matter spend >1 trillion $ fighting wars) to protect us from one of them?
According to our Declaration of Independence, the purpose of creating a government was to protect our rights and our Constitution created the framework so that the newly formed government could perform this duty of protecting our rights while simultaneously barring government from violating our rights.
If the power of the government is derived from the consent of the governed, then I give my consent only so far as the government operates to protect my rights and, if at any time, for any purpose, the government should violate my rights, then my consent is withdrawn.
As to the matter of spending money on wars... Please listen carefully because I do not want to misunderstood in the statements I'm about to make: The only purpose of our government is to protect our rights. While I disagree with the manner in which we have tried to fight against terrorists, our government does have a Constitutional obligation to protect us from those who would violate our rights. We do not accomplish that goal by allowing government to violate our rights any more than we can accomplish that goal by ignoring the threat - both suggestions are an abandonment of logic and reason.
I have heard this many times before and to propose this theory, one must abandon all logic and reason...If we're going to start violating constitutional/civil rights to protect people, eliminating handguns would probably be a much more effective way to save lives.
Criminals would be law abiding citizens if they followed the law. Since we know criminals are criminals because of their flagrant violations of the law, such laws would only accomplish disarming their victims - the law abiding citizens. There are already laws banning murder, banning guns would not stop criminals from committing murder any more than the law banning murder stops them, it would simply cause them to trade one weapon of choice for another and violate the rights, and safety, of their victims in the process.