Well-Known Member
I realize you aren't an American... I don't know if you've ever read anything about the founders or from the founders, don't know if you've ever even read our constitution... but based on comments like the ones you have made, I don't think you have............You're welcomeBut seriously the problems within the US economy are a tad more deep seated than just hollaring socialism versus capitalism all the time.
The economy is not supposed to be a "Problem" for the Government to solve... Mixing politics with the economy creates more problems than it solves and our founders understood this, thats why they spoke at great lengths about the importance of lazes fare capitalism - Keeping the Government out. A separation of Econ and State if you will. We need to get back to that, separation of Econ and State, Separation of Church and State, and finally, we need a separation of Earth and State.
I agree about them both being vacuous and would add they are both opportunists with their own self interest in mind... I don't agree with the staying at home for whomever you like personaly I think Obama is as vacuous as McCain and come voting day you'd all be better off staying at home.
If Ron Paul or Bob Barr get enough votes, it would send a clear message that the electorate is not happy with our options... like what happened when Ross Perot ran, it sent a clear message and things got better for a short time... Then politicians do what politicians do, they got greedy and complacent. Yes, I mean politicians on both sides.