Rape should not be a distraction for war crimes.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
If you told me Hamas raped women on or after October 7th, I’d be like of course they did. They’re brutal savages. But that doesn’t change the fact that a genocide is occurring. Like WTF people? This is some new level straw man shit. All kinds of rapes happen in war. Are we still talking about who was raped by American forces in the wars they’ve had? Like in Vietnam? It’s not an argument really. It’s a fact of war and savage human nature. And I hope anyone affected by it can get help. But the bigger picture here is genocide of the Palestinians.
If you told me Hamas raped women on or after October 7th, I’d be like of course they did. They’re brutal savages. But that doesn’t change the fact that a genocide is occurring. Like WTF people? This is some new level straw man shit. All kinds of rapes happen in war. Are we still talking about who was raped by American forces in the wars they’ve had? Like in Vietnam? It’s not an argument really. It’s a fact of war and savage human nature. And I hope anyone affected by it can get help. But the bigger picture here is genocide of the Palestinians.
Lefties have a hard time dealing with the forms of justice where barbaric mass murderers are themselves hunted down and killed by defenders of peace and righteousness.
If you told me Hamas raped women on or after October 7th, I’d be like of course they did. They’re brutal savages. But that doesn’t change the fact that a genocide is occurring. Like WTF people? This is some new level straw man shit. All kinds of rapes happen in war. Are we still talking about who was raped by American forces in the wars they’ve had? Like in Vietnam? It’s not an argument really. It’s a fact of war and savage human nature. And I hope anyone affected by it can get help. But the bigger picture here is genocide of the Palestinians.
nope no genocide and they raped women dead and alive the cut them up bayoneted baby's burned them alive in front of family's and killed parents in front of kids . They did this to provoke Israel in a hope they would attack like they have in order to get other racial Muslims nations and Terriots groups to attack Israel . Well they got what they wanted just like when Osama on911. Only except for a few terror groups their plans did not work out, they got just what they wanted .
They do not want peace and have openly said they will do it again .
They reject cease fires and have broken every on they have got in the past and have vowed to destroy Israel . YOU go ahead and keep sticking up for inbreed terrorist .
Lefties have a hard time dealing with the forms of justice where barbaric mass murderers are themselves hunted down and killed by defenders of peace and righteousness.

nope. "lefties" are fine with hunting down barbaric mass murderers.
mass starvation and mass bombing of innocent people, however, moral people have a problem with.
but not you, sadly
nope no genocide and they raped women dead and alive the cut them up bayoneted baby's burned them alive in front of family's and killed parents in front of kids . They did this to provoke Israel in a hope they would attack like they have in order to get other racial Muslims nations and Terriots groups to attack Israel . Well they got what they wanted just like when Osama on911. Only except for a few terror groups their plans did not work out, they got just what they wanted .
They do not want peace and have openly said they will do it again .
They reject cease fires and have broken every on they have got in the past and have vowed to destroy Israel . YOU go ahead and keep sticking up for inbreed terrorist .
Having someone and their entire family killed is worse than being raped in my opinion. You do not kill innocent people to deal with terrorists. Then you become a terrorist too and nobody wins. They only had one ceasefire and it’s debatable whether they or trigger happy Israel broke it. And it wasn’t really a ceasefire. It was a “pause” as cowardly Joe Biden put it. And it’s so stupid that people think terrorists will just surrender and release the hostages if they know themselves and their innocent citizens are still going to be killed afterwards regardless of what they do. Israel and whoever supports them isn’t interested in negotiating. They don’t even care about the hostages. This is all about greed and murder.
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Having someone and their entire family killed is worse than being raped in my opinion. You do not kill innocent people to deal with terrorists. Then you become a terrorist too and nobody wins. They only had one ceasefire and it’s debatable whether they or trigger happy Israel broke it. And it wasn’t really a ceasefire. It was a “pause” as cowardly Joe Biden put it.
Lol Hamas
If you told me Hamas raped women on or after October 7th, I’d be like of course they did. They’re brutal savages. But that doesn’t change the fact that a genocide is occurring. Like WTF people? This is some new level straw man shit. All kinds of rapes happen in war. Are we still talking about who was raped by American forces in the wars they’ve had? Like in Vietnam? It’s not an argument really. It’s a fact of war and savage human nature. And I hope anyone affected by it can get help. But the bigger picture here is genocide of the Palestinians.
clearly you don't know what your talking about .
I know what happened. I’ve been following this story since October. It’s the whole reason I want Biden to lose. Israel has a wicked desire to kill these people.
Nope Israel has a desire to live in peace and prosper. Gaza has the belief Israel should be destroyed by terrorists and all Jews killed .
Nope Israel has a desire to live in peace and prosper. Gaza has the belief Israel should be destroyed by terrorists and all Jews killed .
"gaza" doesn't have a belief. "gaza" is a collection of people with different beliefs. duh.
that's like saying "america" has a belief, america has a variety of beliefs on any subject. duh
Nope Israel has a desire to live in peace and prosper. Gaza has the belief Israel should be destroyed by terrorists and all Jews killed .
Imagine if we all got bombed because Trump supporters did something terroristic and stupid. Collective punishment is wrong. Most people in Gaza don’t feel that way. They’re ruled by people Israel set up for them.
They should have thought of that before they killed 1200.
No one complained when GwB killed thousands of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Is there a difference.
They should have thought of that before they killed 1200.
No one complained when GwB killed thousands of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Is there a difference.
1,200 is nothing now compared to the holocaust the IDF has now committed. They answered evil with an even greater evil. Definitely doesn’t make them right.
I’m so disgusted by the human race. The idea that people can even attend a Joe Biden rally at this point in time really sickens me. This genocide needs to be stopped at all costs.
I reiterate what I said.
I’m against both the Iraq war and this. I think that should go without saying. If you wanna play the game of justifying one murder with another then that’s just beneath me. And this is what we are dealing with here and now.