Wrong, more jobs are created by small businesses than by big businesses. More jobs are loss because of big business wanting their stock to go up.
I trust middle class people starting a business a lot more than big corporations, especially in the U.S.
And how many tax breaks can you take for starting one of those businesses? You seem to be arguing against all these "loopholes."
I guess I should ask you, what is your definition of "middle class"?
And you are wrong again about the poor not creating jobs: Have you ever heard of the "grey economy?" That is a huge part of the economy that deals and is basically kept alive by poor people, or lower middle class people. It includes all the second hand stores, the second hand cars, the cheap fast food, the "trailer home" industry. . .
Where does all that stuff come from? It is produced to sell to people who are "richer" than them, and then sold off in second hand stores. If there was demand for such products from the rich, then there would be no product for the poor at the second hand store.
ONE poor person may not hire 10 people to begin a new business. . . but poor people are CONSUMERS who create a demand. . . which creates jobs. Okay, they won't create a demand for Mercedes or Lexus, they won't create a demand for Broadway shows or for 5 stars hotels or restaurants, but they do create a demand for fast food, for Motel 6 types, for used cars.
They won't create demand for anything unless they can get a job and an income....which doesn't typically come from the lower classes...after all, how many times has a "poor" person given you a job?
You're correct, unfortunately, big businesses prefer to take their investment money abroad. . .where they create jobs for another economy!
I have already commented that I feel, and I think economists would generally agree, that in the long term, all that capital comes back to the United States.
And I never suggested it should be done solely on the back of the "rich," although most of the drama we are facing today is due to the Bush tax cuts and the huge profits made by the defense industry because of Bush's ridiculous, illegal war in Iraq.
1) The war was not "illegal."
2) The Bush tax cuts cost around $250 billion a year. That is what you think caused all our problems?
3) I don't see how a company in the defense industry making profits caused anything.
And, you can't poor juice out of a dry turnip!
And, Obama has volunteered $2.00 (even $3.00) cuts for every $1.00 in tax increase! Not exactly doing it "solely" on the backs of the "rich!"
Great, so we will raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion, and cut the budget by maybe $300 billion or so a year...leaving us with about a trillion more dollars to find to balance the budget. Where do you suggest that comes from? The "rich"?
And why is it that Republicans think that it is blasphemy to go back to a level of taxation that PROVED to be beneficial for every one and for the economy?
If you can provide evidence that higher tax rates were the cause of a good economy then I am all ears.
It is simply not logical to state, "In 1995 we have X tax rates and good economy, therefore tax rates are the cause of the good economy."