

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2015
Some have said good and bad exist in every group. However, the negative side of this thought assumes some will be bad. Therefore, while I would say that bashing rednecks is racism against whites, it is true some of them really deserve to be hated. :mad:

https://www.houseofpolitics.com/threads/govt-schools-still-turning-out-garbage.3026/ It's the last comment at the time I made the quote.

I grew up around rednecks. If I had grown up around black thugs, I'd be bashing them. Of course, not all rednecks are bad, just like all black people aren't bad, of course. :cautious:


Generally my class was full of stoners, jocks who wanted an easy course, and rednecks. It sort of resembled the "Welcome Back Kotter" show.
It's certain you can find someone who finds another disagreeable. And that can go from mildly so to decidedly so.
But you need not hate them.
Hate the bias they hold, or the action they take instead.
All this needless hating makes for a nasty world.
The thing between blacks and whites, which is now also becoming something between Mexicans and whites, has always been bitter in the south USA. It's kind of like that Japanese vs Korean thing I saw first hand in South Korea. There doesn't seem to be a compromise on the issue. Your either with one to the extreme or with the other to the extreme. Otherwise, you become a traitor.

As you saw with the poster I was having a confrontation with, he/she had a very pro-Caucasian standpoint that you often see in my part of the nation. Since both sides of the fence view themselves as a persecuted victim, not much progress can be made.