QUESTION: What will we get if House or Senate reject the deal? A: A Balanced Budget!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Everyone is going over the latest "deal" that Boehner, Reid, McConnell, and Obama have apparently agreed on. It will soon go to the full House and Senate for voting. They may or may not pass it.

If either the House or the Senate reject it, it dies. And then what do we get?

The answer is intriguing: We get a Balanced Budget! Instantly.

Accepting or rejecting this deal isn't the end of the world. It's main driving force now, is the "need" to raise the Debt Ceiling. If we don't raise it, then govt can't borrow any more money. That doesn't mean we can't pay out any more bills, though. It simply means we can only pay the bills as the money comes in. And guess what - there's LOTS of money coming in, even now.

The only problem is, we promised a lot of people we'd pay them a lot MORE than the amount that comes in. Well, we won't be able to keep all those promises. We'll have to start choosing which ones we will pay on time, and which ones will have to get in line and wait.

Of course, that isn't bloodless. Bad things happen to people who can't pay what they owe. Their credit rating goes down, for starters. Others become leery of lending them money, and so the borrowers have to tempt them by offering them more interest rates. And so will we.

With sensible people, that should discipline them enough that they don't go around making wild promises to pay gigantic amounts. With government, well.... "sense" is what they don't have much of.

So, the solution? Keep them from borrowing. Allow them to spend only what's actually in their wallet. Which means, spending can't exceed what's coming in. In other words: Horror of horrors... they have to BALANCE THEIR BUDGETS!

But hey. Check it out.... That solution is ALREADY IN PLACE!!! There's ALREADY a law on the books, that says govt cannot borrow any more, once they've hit a certain amount. And we've already hit that amount - the $14.3 trillion "Debt Ceiling" everybody's been talking about. In fact, they hit it nearly three months ago, and they stopped borrowing way back then. And they have aready stopped or delayed paying certain bills. We've been in this new financial mode, for months!

So, why are the Congresscritters doing all this frantic last-minute deal-making and bill-writing? THE PROBLEM IS ALREADY SOLVED, is it not? Just obey the law!

Sure, it will be painful. But we knew pain was coming, a long time ago. A lot of people knew it as soon as they saw the govt borrowing huge amounts, not to deal with invasions or other such emergencies, but just to pay the grocery tab and light bill, and keep gas in the car's tank.

We'll have to decide which of the wild promises we made, will get renegged on. And our credit rating is going to take a hit. Which means we'll have to pay more interest (and we already pay a lot) on the huge debt we've already racked up.

Personally, I'm approaching Senior-citizen status. And all this current strife, means that Social Security and Medicare and all the other things govt has forced me to pay into, and promised will "always be there" for me, might not be so "there" after all when I need it. And when a lot of my fellow Seniors need it.

So, are we all going to die? Nope. It just means we'll have to make do. Scramble. Find resources elsewhere. Put up with that aching back longer.
The ultimate conclusion? That's what we get for depending on Government to give us things we should have provided ourselves.

Guess what: WE WOULD HAVE HAD TO DO IT ANYWAY, SOONER OR LATER. There was no way government would have EVER gotten its house in order. Period. They might have delayed it a little longer, or maybe not. But the crash was inevitable. 100% guaranteed. Not the slightest chance we could ever avoid it, considering who was running things: politicians, to whom lying and breaking promises is second nature, a way of life.

Well, it's here. Bend over and take it, Americans. And then straighten up and stagger on. Not because I want you to do that, or like you to do that. But because there has never been any way for you to avoid it. Ever. Not even a little bit. Only delay it... and now the delays are all used up.

Be thankful the crash, and the attendant punishment, are coming now, when it's not so bad as to be fatal. If we had managed to push it back and delay it another 10-20 years (as some are still trying to do), that would only make the punishment even worse, possibly FATAL... and no less likely.

So, when the dust settles from this crash, what will we find we have?

Answer: Pain. A lot.

And a balanced budget. Which finally WILL solve the problem.

We could do worse.

In fact, considering what the alternatives are (More delays, followed by gauranteed WORSE pain, possibly fatal)... maybe this is the BEST deal we can get, now.

The solution to the problem, is already in place.

Reject the deal, House. It's the kindest thing you can do for us... in the long run.

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